Example sentences of "and [vb past] for [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He felt like the boy 's father ; he loved and cared for Grégoire as if he were his son .
2 He told them how morally indefensible was the policy of apartheid , and asked for prayer for Africa .
3 The government has declared a state of emergency and asked for assistance from the US .
4 Some time after this Mrs Meehan wrote to me that her husband was innocent , and asked for assistance in having his case reviewed .
5 But without doubt the most contentious defector to reach the West was Anatoli Golitsin , who arrived at the office of the CIA 's station chief in Helsinki in Finland in December 1911 and asked for asylum for himself , his wife and daughter .
6 He was refused entry to Kuwait and asked for asylum in France.President Giscard d'Estaing asked the Shah his views and the Shah made one of the worst mistakes in his reign by agreeing the Khomeini should go to France , He assumed that the obstreperous priest would be les of a threat to him in distant , Christian France than in neighbouring , radical , Islamic country .
7 I see from my files that Simon Murison-Bowie sent you two copies of the Agreement for this tape which required signing on behalf of the University of Toronto and return to us , and asked for confirmation of your tape specification requirements in his letter of 19 February .
8 With my letter , I sent you two copies of an Agreement that had been drawn up for signature on behalf of AT&T , and asked for confirmation of your tape specification requirements .
9 They were composed in the years of the Exclusion crisis , during which Locke 's patron , Shaftesbury , and others , sought to exclude James , then Duke of York , from the succession to the throne , and argued for government by consent and for the right to religious dissent .
10 While the government broadly supported the United Statesled coalition and the use of force to reverse the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait , the opposition Labour Party was questioned US intentions in the area and argued for pressure to be exerted on Iraq through an intensification of economic sanctions .
11 He had felt the power of his position when he had taken a bottle to the room of any major and propositioned for information on the talk in the mess when he , the KGB 's ears , was not present .
12 She drew deep breaths and fought for control over her trembling limbs .
13 Instinct attached my hands to the reins as she accelerated and headed for home with me in tow .
14 Thinking to steal a march on watchful eyes I set off from the Cross Inn ( not long established as the only hotel and bar ) at 6.15 a.m. and headed for Port of Ness and the Butt of Lewis .
15 Expectation was boiling when we all climbed into Reg 's minibus and headed for Chamden on that balmy September Saturday .
16 Then he dropped to roof-top height and fled for home through the deepening dusk .
17 He was shot in the thigh while trying to avoid arrest at the Danish frontier in May 1945 , and tried for treason in London in September .
18 Outside the old Stasi headquarters in the Lichtenberg district of East Berlin demonstrators stormed and ransacked the building and were only persuaded to stop after Modrow and New Forum round table delegates broke off their meeting and appealed for calm at the scene itself .
19 In July 1947 he returned illegally and appealed for help to the RCM , whose representative advised him to give himself up .
20 On the first day of a two-day visit to the United Kingdom , de Klerk saw the UK Prime Minster , John Major , on April 22 and appealed for help in winning investment .
21 O'Neill made an impassioned defence of his policies on television and appealed for support for what he saw as the only course that could save Ulster from deepening civil unrest .
22 As US officials produced evidence of his involvement in drug trafficking and appealed for support from other Latin American countries in their campaign to oust him , their case was weakened by evidence that the US had been an important supporter in the general 's rise to power and that the CIA had known about his trafficking for years .
23 SCOTLAND Yard yesterday issued descriptions of the two vans used in the IRA bombings in the City of London and Staples Corner bombs and appealed for information about their movements on and before last Friday .
24 Joe recovered enough to rejoin his battalion and sailed for home on 7 March .
25 Three tiny fluffy moor hen chicks , ‘ a sooty brood ’ , cheeped loudly and paddled for shelter beneath a pile of brush wood .
26 Selected surfaces of six teeth were examined and scored for extent of debris and calculus .
27 Most are plucked and pickled for sale as the " ambelpoulia " delicacy .
28 Tommy spent quite a time delivering the handbills to every house in the town and opened for business at eight o'clock on a Monday morning and closed twelve hours later .
29 As it was we finished a stroke behind Dai Rees and lied for second with Kel Nagle .
30 Dissidents forced Andrews out of office and looked for leadership to Sir Basil Brooke ( later Viscount Brookeborough , q.v. ) , the minister of commerce and war production , who had been completely identified with the war effort .
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