Example sentences of "and [vb past] [adv prt] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Our enthusiasm for getting afloat was an overriding factor — that part of the job remained the same and made up for a lot of hassle .
2 He was careful , shrewd , and thoroughly able , and made up for the collapse of the older coastal trades by sending his ships farther afield .
3 But he recovered his balance in a stride and made off for the water jump .
4 Zipped up the inside , and with a squared off toe , it was the last word in futuristic chic that was to be adapted and toned down for the mass market .
5 By the time you 've finished , if you are n't the best of mates and invited down for a vair long weekend in the cuntrair , I can only say — Air nair .
6 He called a sudden halt to his crowded agenda at lunchtime and crashed out for a few hours in the adjacent chamber , throwing the timetable into disarray .
7 One official wrote that the missing cattle ‘ have probably been driven off some distance by some of the bolder spirits of the village , and hired out for the season to some not over-scrupulous cultivator , with instructions to let them go loose when done with .
8 OTHERS have preferred to select the right machine for the duty and ground conditions and hired in for the job .
9 The first attempt was almost a disaster , but he got the plane up again and came round for a second shot .
10 When we sat down for our sandwiches , I made him go away with the grisly thing , but we could still hear him crunching away behind a rock — first a crunch then a cough as he swallowed a feather , then another crunch then more coughs until he realised there was no future in it and came round for a sandwich .
11 When I was driving my new Granada in 1989 and dropped a friend down the road , a police car came past , saw the car with a black man driving it , circled round and came back for a second check .
12 ‘ An alternative theory is that the killer knocked him out first , then went into the washroom to strip and came back for the final throat-cutting before Berowne had a chance to come round .
13 We actually got the rigging up and sailed around for a while in twos — I was with my brother and I thought we managed quite well .
14 She looked up and waved as the Golf drove past and when Melissa had put it away and locked the garage door , she rammed her fork into the ground and strolled over for a chat .
15 Hard to feel sorry for the laird , who would have watched the sweating workers from his window , hands in pockets , listening for the doorbell in case the king changed his mind and dropped in for a scone .
16 BIGGLES pilot Anthony West coolly landed his vintage Tiger Moth biplane right outside a secluded country pub — and swaggered in for a pint .
17 Having selected your water and turned up for a day 's fishing you then have to decide where the fish will be on the day in question .
18 Contentedly I went below and turned in for a few hours , leaving my colleague to navigate .
19 So I got off and walked around for an hour or so , unseeing , my mind a total blank .
20 She unstrapped the harness , and glanced around for a spot to hide the acres of silk canopy .
21 However , he was not thrown out , he was taken back to the station and locked up for the night .
22 I gritted my teeth and hung on for the climb up to Ana 's Cross on the peak of Spaunton Moor .
23 So the mantle fell on the second son , John , then 23 years old ; without more ado , he set off over the bridge into the Market Place , across to the George , and signed up for the infantry .
24 John Titford responded to the call and signed up for the Volunteer Infantry .
25 I got hold of him by the scruff of the neck and took him along to the police box and rang up for the wagon .
26 Without difficulty I found a Bed and Breakfast house , equally smart and highly polished , and settled down for a pre-exploratory nap .
27 A band played and onlookers waved and cheered as men , women and children wedged themselves into the tub carriages and settled down for a good day out .
28 I set the alarm clock for a quarter to midnight , and settled down for a couple of hours sleep .
29 Susan went to bed early , and Breeze and Gay made themselves toast and welsh rarebit , and settled down for a long evening by the fire .
30 Formalities over , Patricia Pillmoor drew out a chair , pulled off her hat and settled down for a chat .
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