Example sentences of "and [vb past] [adv prt] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Afterwards the gods ' puris were torn up and shared out as prasād .
2 The water is the deepest hue of aquamarine and whipped up into meringue peaks .
3 There were heaps of clothing on the floor , roughly sorted and laid out on newspaper .
4 This issue of Action newsletter is the first to be typeset , designed and laid out on desktop publishing ( DTP ) equipment which has recently been installed at WACC 's offices in London .
5 And that 's I I had a quick er look through last year 's sales and and laid out in fact I went through item deliveries and worked them into the months
6 The location of a builder 's work is continuously changing , and labour is frequently engaged at the commencement of a project and laid off upon completion .
7 He just sat in his chair and gazed up at Granny 's picture in its faded gilt frame .
8 I knelt and gazed around in astonishment .
9 He lowered his hand and gazed out to sea again .
10 Then he went over to the window , and gazed down into Hand and Ball Court for several minutes , frowning and pushing his lower lip up alternately .
11 He went over to the window and gazed down into Hand and Ball Court .
12 Holly stood beside a poorly dug hole and he looked down at a T-shaped junction of pipes and saw that the screw-fastened aperture that gave access to the pipe join and its subsidiary were swathed in doth and knotted around in plastic sheeting .
13 They are generally broadcast with rape in midsummer as a nurse crop for a grass ley , and grazed off before Christmas for fattening lambs .
14 Conditions of warm daytime temperatures and high humidity combined with much cooler night time temperatures are ideal for humid air to be trapped in tanks by day and condensed out by night ’ .
15 From Cambridge it is , yes , er that 's actually one of its great strengths , because it is n't a thing which has been revised and added on to , it is completely new , and before we actually made it , our editor , David Crystal , er actually is probably the only person in the world to have sat and read through from cover to cover four other encyclopaedias , to find out what was wrong with them , how they could be improved .
16 Through benefit inquiry line and forms designed and checked out with disability and welfare rights groups , people are given the opportunity to claim benefits to which they are entitled .
17 After his second day as substitute games and sports master , Bodie drove wearily to CI5 , and checked in at Forensic , then at Traffic .
18 Now they are to be scrapped and sold off as scrap metal .
19 Calendars and diaries have always been popular in good bookshops , many of these products spinning off from familiar sources ( Tolkien , Beatrix Potter ) and sold in by book publishers with the autumn lists .
20 RAM raiders smashed their way into Debenham 's in Middlesbrough , left sports clothes strewn across the road and made off with clothing worth over £2,000 , Teesside Crown Court heard .
21 Whitby police are looking for thieves who preyed on an elderly woman living alone and made off with family heirlooms worth £15,000 .
22 He did not take it too seriously , but nonetheless he wheeled his pony and made off at speed , back towards the fringes of Clocaenog , where he had passed the last of the prince 's watch .
23 Seb hurriedly threw a saddle on Romni and rode off across country .
24 At Christmas William Marshal , loudly protesting his innocence , left his master 's service and rode off in search of fresh tournaments .
25 They had been observed by the disciples and passed on by word of mouth .
26 But it is always verbal and passed on in code from one member to another of various interlocking inner circles of the chattering classes .
27 Each story was separate and passed on in isolation with the possible exception of the story of the Passion .
28 And she was suddenly denied job interviews and passed over for promotion , she said .
29 Some genuine truths have been reduced to cant and passed down without explanation .
30 When people publish prescriptive grammar books , or dictionaries which tell you how to spell words or style manuals which tell you how to punctuate , they are either making their own choice between different possible ( in many cases , arbitrary ) rules or conforming to rules which have been selected at some point by others from a range of possibilities and passed down through history .
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