Example sentences of "and [vb past] [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As he took his handkerchief out and wiped away the water that was still dripping from the front of his hair , a voice said , ‘ I would n't drink that if I were you ; the cows wash in it just round the corner . ’
2 Willie peered in the window and wiped away the mist his breath was making on the glass .
3 The librarian fetched a checked duster , and wiped away the dust , a black , thick , tenacious Victorian dust , a dust composed of smoke and fog particles accumulated before the Clean Air Acts .
4 Then she dried her tears and read aloud the epigraph Orwell had chosen for Homage to Catalonia to make sure her voice would not betray her .
5 Furse set out to create a Service which would be ‘ a corps d'elite to which … the best type of man … will feel it an honour to belong ’ , and in time and according to his lights , he brought practice into line with theory and made good the boast that those whom England sent out to govern the colonial empire were her finest sons .
6 It was there to be used , insofar as you had it ; and when you were short , you worked a little harder , and made good the deficiency .
7 She turned in a swirl of nylon jersey , and flung wide the door to the study , where the subsiding glow of the fire still burned .
8 The area of paper is decreased slightly each day and moved nearer the door .
9 He turned from Bristol without regret and entered again the West Somerset landscape of coast and hills over which , very soon , he would become a persistent and delighted explorer .
10 Telford drove piles in behind the lock walls and bolted together the iron plates to make the lock both stable and watertight .
11 Their other recommendations were radical and changed completely the face of juvenile justice in Scotland .
12 Robert referred to the recommendations and suggestions made by Alison Precious and Karen Jessop after the time they spent working on the reception desk and mentioned particularly the question of resiting the switchboard .
13 He told her of the visit to the farm , reminded her of the discovery of the swan and the bird 's skull ( though he knew this was taking a chance after her first , alarming reaction to the news ) , and mentioned again the note and the feather in his room .
14 It endorsed British industry 's achievements under the policies that we have been pursuing for the past 12 years , urged us to continue and build upon them in future and condemned utterly the sort of policies still advocated by the Labour party , which is stuck in a mind-set of the 1960s and 1970s .
15 In 1931 , in the name of sectarian orthodoxy , Nizan challenged the heretical Barbusse , sought to wrest the editorial control of Monde from the hands of this unrepentant " right-wing deviationist " , and came away the loser .
16 She was credible and creditable and played well the transformation from gauche , unworldly girl to dignified lady .
17 Bolt Head , the gangster who financed and masterminded both the Robocranker project and the computer generated hologram , meets the Robocranker after his defeat and offers him a new body in return for operating one of his machines …
18 At Cabinets on 9 , 10 and 11 December he cautiously defended it on the ground that Hoare must have known more than they did , and defended also the continuation of Hoare 's holiday , although this by then had become more of a matter of nursing than of recreation , for he had fallen on the ice and broken his nose in two places .
19 The screw holes were countersunk and infilled once the screw had been driven home , though infilling was unnecessary with polished coffins where decorative beading was to be used .
20 This pantomime aroused the defenders and showed clearly the need for better ship-to-shore communications .
21 Urbanisation both emphasised this trend and widened spectacularly the range of urban trades , professions and manufactures bringing increasing numbers into the " middle ranks " of income earners .
22 And he glanced round at the still-insensible Liam and threw away the cigarette in disgust .
23 Stanley Steward , its first chairman — who had been an electrical manufacturer in the private sector — mobilised considerable pressure from the ‘ county ’ set on his consumer Consultative Council , and lobbied both the Government and the Central Authority for a subvention .
24 But he drank and gambled away the lot , and it closed .
25 Holly heard above the drone of his lathe motor the scenario of sound that the fire carried , and heard too the happiness of the men who had left their benches .
26 He stood still , and heard then the sound of pebbles shifting under feet — more than one set of feet — and there was the rattle of loose scree .
27 Astley he retained until the end of his life , despite mounting worry about the expense , and spent nearly the whole of his retirement there .
28 But Mr Abu Sharif said on US television that Mr Bush had already agreed to use a satellite in the search , and thanked both the President and Mr Carter .
29 He frowned , screwed up his mouth and brushed away the letter .
30 Rima cursed , and brushed away the blood with his other hand .
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