Example sentences of "and [vb past] [prep] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 But Hardin was writing long before the avalanche of discoveries that have revealed the fine structure of the human genetic material , spawned sensitive techniques of screening and most recently pre-implantation diagnosis , and led to the first attempts at gene therapy .
2 He seemed embarrassed and stammered for the first time in his English .
3 The synoptic outline might have been more serviceable had it been separated from the list of languages and moved to the first volume .
4 In conclusion , I 'd like to warn Ben that the Plage route at Buoux is n't his project , but one which was undertaken and tried for the first time by Le Menestrel , and that he has no particular rights over it .
5 He was arrested and tried for the first time in April 1916 .
6 And his heart sang as he settled his lance in rest again , and drove at the first and readiest knight who caught his eye .
7 By such standards both footballers and cricketers , provided they were among the minority who avoided injury and played in the first team , were quite well off for a few years .
8 Andrew Gallagher on the right wing , beat two tackles and scored in the first five minutes of the game , following a neat Jeremy Hastings pick-up .
9 Outside a grand villa in the same city , a priest in an assortment of ramshackle clothing stopped his mule in the gateway , descended by lifting a leg and bellowed to the first person he met , which was Tobie .
10 As I opened the door , a white streak flashed past my ankles and vanished around the first turn of the spiral .
11 This was known as the PC-5A and flew for the first time in July 1939 .
12 It 's jazz and soul as a street thing , a club thing , ’ he says , ‘ which is where both those forms of music started and thrived in the first place . ’
13 Doreen glanced down , and blushed for the first time in a long while .
14 The offensive was launched on 18 June but was deeply unpopular with much of the rank and file and collapsed in the first week of July .
15 He pulled out a bundle and looked at the first address , but he did n't recognise it .
16 Dada took the book from her and looked at the first page .
17 I do n't know if he left the King 's Troop and went into the First er Regiment Royal Artillery , but erm I went to Germany and of course we just lost contact .
18 It was when I took my jacket off and stood before a mirror and saw for the first time that all I was was a pair of scarlet braces , that I realised that evangelism was n't enough .
19 I looked out and saw for the first time the main street of Koraloona 's largest town , Anani : a dusty white strip of road , a long row of assorted shops , a few cars .
20 Burton has declared that it was when he was performing that scene on the stage that he felt the hairs on his neck stand on end and knew for the first time the power he could have over an audience .
21 In vitro fertilization was pioneered by Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards , and resulted in the first ‘ test-tube baby ’ , Louise Brown , being born in 1978 .
22 Their inspirational demonstrations and innovative classes were long remembered by all those privileged to have been there , and resulted in the first regular Medau Adult Education class being established in Dagenham ESSEX in 1935 .
23 They are placed in public spaces often in the centre of villages , to commemorate the brave local people who fought and died in the First and Second World Wars .
24 After winning the Kathleen Ferrier Memorial Prize in 1964 , she found herself in great demand abroad as well as at home , and sang in the first performance of Handel 's Messiah in Israel .
25 Feminism for women like me grew out of our dissatisfaction with our social lot and coincided with the first books that provided a context and a theoretical explanation for what we felt .
26 Advertising and public relations can try to improve or change the image of a client but this is always limited by the nature of how the reputation was built and earned in the first place and how the client will really act in the future .
27 Edouard looked up , and smiled for the first time .
28 He opened the letter , saw the name at the bottom , and smiled for the first time that day .
29 For centuries civilised man thought poetry was the pinnacle he must reach for — ’ He caught himself suddenly and smiled for the first time Blanche had known him to , the embarrassed smile of a passionate devotee who suddenly discovers that everyone around him , whom he thought entranced by his obsession , was in fact sniggering behind his back .
30 Nadine clicked her tongue and smiled for the first time .
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