Example sentences of "and [vb past] by a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The suspect was a converted Swedish fishing vessel , owned and skippered by a German Merchant Service Master , whose former ships had figured on our suspect lists .
2 Tony , 37 , bursts into a plush restaurant where Sharon , 41 , is being wined and dined by a romantic Italian rival for her affections .
3 Rejecting medical evidence that he had suffered a heart attack brought on by stress and aggravated by a syphilitic condition , the Nazis used the funeral to turn the dead man into a Nazi martyr .
4 After her death , he advertised for a housekeeper with a view to matrimony but unfortunately the first lady who took the job decamped after a few days , taking with her his prized possessions and helped by a male friend who apparently had kept in the background .
5 But his plea for a four-month stay on the sewage ban while this search was completed was dismissed by David Mazzone , the federal judge overseeing the clean-up project , and rejected by a federal appeals court .
6 Local community-based education projects , even when organised and controlled by local people , often mirrored the very education offered by traditional providers and rejected by a large section of the working class .
7 After an ignomminious start as ‘ the new Duran Duran ’ , a misinterpretation aided and abeted by a misdirected and consequently misunderstood debut album , ‘ The Party 's Over ’ , it was to take Talk Talk three more albums and three more years to shake that tag off .
8 Each section was examined through a microscope and scored by a single observer ( without knowledge of tissue type or site of origin ) from zero to four depending on the number of cells reacting .
9 Archbishop William Temple [ q.v. ] , who described him as ‘ the finest priest I have known ’ , characterized him as evangelical without a trace of Puritanism , and fired by a strong Catholic sacramentalism , with the cross at the heart of it all .
10 It was therefore entirely fitting that , in the celebrated Ealing comedy about the last age of steam , The Titfield Thunderbolt should be driven by the local vicar and fired by a visiting bishop .
11 With this in mind it is for consideration whether such forms should not be redesigned to separate the disclaimer of liability on the part of the hospital from what really matters , namely the declaration by the patient of his decision with a full appreciation of the possible consequences , the latter being expressed in the simplest possible terms and emphasised by a different and larger type face , by underlining , the employment of coloured print or otherwise .
12 The room was gloomy , filled with massive , mahogany furniture and pervaded by a musty smell which seemed to characterise the whole house .
13 This sequence was confirmed by the 1968–9 excavation of an aisled workshop set end-on to Ermine Street and served by a metalled side-street 4.6 m ( 15 ft ) wide along its southern side .
14 If the exotic is what you seek , you might try Omar Khayyam from India , made from Ugni Blanc , Pinot Blanc and Chardonnay , grown at a high altitude in the Sahyadri mountains near Bombay , and vinified by a former winemaker of Piper Heidsieck .
15 In Japan sales of cars were still depressed and fell by a further 8.5% .
16 Outclassed and outmanoeuvred by a pretty face — or rather by what lay behind it .
17 Naturally the creation of any company requires a written contract ( in the case of a limited company : ‘ statutes ’ ) signed by all members and attested by a practising attorney .
18 When the British papers printed that Scotland Yard believed the silver to have been dug up at the Barbariga army base and smuggled by a Yugoslav diplomat , the Federal commission said , ‘ The press is to be criticised for all such insinuations ’ and ‘ the control of the diplomatic bag is so rigorous in Jugoslavia that it is absolutely impossible for the treasure or anything else to be smuggled out that way ’ .
19 He moved on quickly , then , and paused by a parked car , fifty yards from his own , darkened house .
20 Vestibule , waiting-rooms , and concourse were all in one and topped by a graceful vault with ample skylights .
21 Then I bit into the first slice of bread ; home made , plastered thickly with farm butter and topped by a lavish layer of heather honey from the long row of hives I had often seen on the edge of the moor above .
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