Example sentences of "and [vb past] by [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I remember , for example , being sent for just after I joined the Heavy Organic Chemicals division , and asked by the then chairman of the division , Tom Clarke , to take charge of a company mission to investigate the price of naphtha .
2 For that to be followed by the Welsh squad members being introduced by the crowd one-by-one in almost American Super Bowl style , and succeeded by an impassioned Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau led by an operatic soprano under spotlights on the half-way line , is likely to induce , ere long , too high an emotional state within crowd and players .
3 All 40 outstanding documents were duly written and agreed by the Bulgarian Nuclear safety Authority in time for execution .
4 It was one of those old-established inns tucked away into the side-streets of London that have somehow avoided being bought over and sanitized by the big chains , an ivy-covered twenty-room place with panelling and bay-windows and a fire blazing in the brick hearth of a reception area furnished in rugs over uneven boards .
5 The suspect was a converted Swedish fishing vessel , owned and skippered by a German Merchant Service Master , whose former ships had figured on our suspect lists .
6 Dahl for much of the time in Dresden , in the same house as the German Romantic painter Caspar David Griedrich , and both were dazzled and bewitched by the golden luminosity of Italy .
7 Tony , 37 , bursts into a plush restaurant where Sharon , 41 , is being wined and dined by a romantic Italian rival for her affections .
8 is , is , in London and we deal with the British Section which is are the particular bits , but the prisoners have to be vatted and looked at and found by the International Secretaires , then they 're passed on to British Section who pass them on to us and a great deal of research goes into making sure that they really are truly prisoners of conscience , that they 've been in prison for some er possibly because of their belief or religion or their race erm and they 've not taken or advocated violence not taken part in or advocated violence and then , then they are full prisoners of conscience erm we maybe allocated them .
9 But at the moment serving with the group of churches in Ealy , Bathyclyn and also with erm part time working in Ealy as the youth worker for the community working partly for Dr Barnados partly for the ULT and Methodist and he 'll acting in it as well in Ealy and sponsored by the Global of the United States .
10 Firstly on the second page , number fifty eight , the Education Act in the middle of page one nine four four , refers to schools used and maintained by the local authority .
11 PCR products were electrophoresed on agarose gels and purified by the Geneclean procedure followed by direct sequencing .
12 Rejecting medical evidence that he had suffered a heart attack brought on by stress and aggravated by a syphilitic condition , the Nazis used the funeral to turn the dead man into a Nazi martyr .
13 After her death , he advertised for a housekeeper with a view to matrimony but unfortunately the first lady who took the job decamped after a few days , taking with her his prized possessions and helped by a male friend who apparently had kept in the background .
14 John Bland , as amiable a sportsman as one would wish to meet , is naturally disturbed and disheartened by the increasing number of tournaments in which he , as a South African , can not compete .
15 But his plea for a four-month stay on the sewage ban while this search was completed was dismissed by David Mazzone , the federal judge overseeing the clean-up project , and rejected by a federal appeals court .
16 Local community-based education projects , even when organised and controlled by local people , often mirrored the very education offered by traditional providers and rejected by a large section of the working class .
17 In the end the plan was repudiated by Mr Gorbachev and rejected by the Soviet parliament .
18 You will commonly , of course , advise your client of any facts of interest , which you have discovered by your enquiries ; for example , that the road has not yet been taken over by the local authority , that plans for building on the property were submitted to and rejected by the local authority , etc .
19 Yet clinical ecology has been severely criticised in the High Court and castigated by the Royal College of Physicians and the American College of Physicians ; and the provocation testing used by clinical ecologists has been shown by a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine to be unscientific .
20 After an ignomminious start as ‘ the new Duran Duran ’ , a misinterpretation aided and abeted by a misdirected and consequently misunderstood debut album , ‘ The Party 's Over ’ , it was to take Talk Talk three more albums and three more years to shake that tag off .
21 For information acting as a historical record , it may not be necessary to carry out periodic examinations to determine if the data require updating ; for example , where an evidential/security ‘ log ’ of all messages sent and received by an electronic messaging system is being maintained .
22 The politically oriented , even Marxist basis , of his critical and ironic interpretation is obscured and scientized by the structuralist conceptualisation of method .
23 The seminar was supported by WACC and hosted by the African Council for Communication Education just one week after an earthquake had devastated some of the most deprived areas of Cairo .
24 The seminar was supported by WACC and hosted by the African Council for Communication Education just one week after an earthquake had devastated some of the most deprived areas of Cairo .
25 Organised by WACC 's Pacific region and hosted by the Divine Word Institute , the workshop aims to equip local publishers to take over responsibility for the layout and design of their own publications .
26 This publication is the final report of a seminar organised by the Association of Researchers in Voluntary Action and Community Involvement ( ARVAC ) and hosted by the Voluntary Services Unit at the Home Office in November 1990 .
27 The seminar is being organised by WACC 's North American regional association and hosted by The United Church of Canada under the theme ‘ Legacy : 500 Years of Evangelization in the Americas ’ .
28 Each section was examined through a microscope and scored by a single observer ( without knowledge of tissue type or site of origin ) from zero to four depending on the number of cells reacting .
29 Archbishop William Temple [ q.v. ] , who described him as ‘ the finest priest I have known ’ , characterized him as evangelical without a trace of Puritanism , and fired by a strong Catholic sacramentalism , with the cross at the heart of it all .
30 It was therefore entirely fitting that , in the celebrated Ealing comedy about the last age of steam , The Titfield Thunderbolt should be driven by the local vicar and fired by a visiting bishop .
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