Example sentences of "and [vb past] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I settled back in my seat , picked some dirt from my fingernails with a spare scythe blade , and whispered discreetly through the partition .
2 They are high speed and fun , cutting through the water with little wake , and are raced and cruised all around the UK .
3 On the one hand , private enterprise is presented as efficient , cost-effective and competitive while public provision is shown as wasteful , inefficient , and concerned more with the interests of the workers involved than with the consumers of the service .
4 A DEAF woman with speech difficulties was stunned , sexually assaulted and stabbed repeatedly by a killer who got into the flat where she lived alone , a court was told yesterday .
5 He went back , took a hoe from inside the door of his house and stabbed furiously at the cabbage patch , trying to rearrange the furrows in neat order .
6 Willie blushed and clung on to the top of the blankets .
7 Seconds later they were off again , and she shut her eyes tight , pressed her cheek against his back and clung on like a limpet .
8 He found it and clung there for a while , then pushed clear and knelt among the waves , head lowered .
9 The bulk of it , though , is just standard major record company dross which is greeted with a yawn and propelled directly into the nearest rubbish bin .
10 Ten minutes later he was down and seated across from a young duty captain as they travelled the fast-link that connected the City to the spaceport .
11 The whole was created beneath the sea and laid down as a series of overlying strata which emerged as an elevated dome , the cap being subsequently removed by erosion .
12 The Trust is fortunate that its regional structure was conceived and laid down in the 1971 Act of Parliament .
13 Their park was given over as a whole for building development , and laid out on the gridiron pattern in the middle decades of the eighteenth century .
14 ‘ I even have my dress all ready and laid out on the bed . ’
15 We met one of the Medics who informed me that the bodies of Les and the other three Commandos had been taken through the village and laid out with the other dead in front of the Chateau .
16 I had been moved into the front room and laid out like a corpse on the sofa .
17 The animal has been surveyed and laid off like a map ; and the men have been classified in over thirty specialties and twenty rates of pay , from 16 cents to 50 cents an hour .
18 The baby had been taken away immediately and wired up in an incubator for three days .
19 Kicking her shoes off , she rested her head on an antimacassar and gazed up at the chandelier .
20 In the thirty-foot-long , dark-panelled bedroom , she lay upon the Jacobean four-poster bed and gazed up at the crimson brocade canopy .
21 She climbed out of the ‘ speeder and gazed up at the darkening sky .
22 She straightened her shoulders and gazed up at the unremitting blue of the sky .
23 She sat quite still , the little book in her lap and gazed up at the pale candle flame , hardly seeing it , so busy was her inward eye upon the scenes that had held her in thrall for two hours or more .
24 He rested his dark head against the pillows and gazed up at the ceiling as he spoke .
25 She dropped her head back to relieve the tension in her neck , and gazed up at the rigging .
26 Nervously she smoothed down her saffron-coloured skirt and gazed up at the house as Steve , with bounding energy , leapt out of the Suzuki .
27 She finished her coffee , and gazed up at the hillside , where Rafaelo 's white villa caught the sun , and his growing vegetables and vines lay in neat terraces up the hill .
28 " Sit here , near me , and let's be cosy … oh , well , perhaps just a touch , " she turned her eyes away from the bottle and gazed absently at the passing crowd until her glass was quite full .
29 He straightened up and gazed anxiously over the end of the bed at her .
30 He stopped , confused , by the bus stop opposite the Protestant Truth Society , and gazed unseeingly at the list of routes .
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