Example sentences of "and [vb past] [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ( my thanks to the somewhat bemused friend I just telephoned and asked to tell me the first ten objects that came into her mind — though I do wonder about her and what made her choose those particular objects ) .
2 Neither could I conceal that although I wrote to my parents once a week ( a school rule ) they scarcely ever wrote to me , and failed to send me the necessary supplies of toothpaste , stockings , etc. , so that I was always having to borrow from other girls ( strictly against the rules ) and getting into trouble as a result .
3 Now , they consulted their executive committee , and agreed to give us the free use of an empty office .
4 The plaintiff instructed the defendants , a firm of estate agents , to sell his house and agreed to pay them a percentage of the selling price as commission .
5 They met him and agreed to pay him an extra £10,300 at £575 per flat to ensure that he continued with the work and completed on time .
6 This kind of treatment caused resentment among the petty-minded officialdom which ran the British professional game , and when Boomer was chosen for the 1927 Ryder Cup team he was picked up at Cherbourg en route to America and made to wear what every Frenchman was supposed to wear — a beret .
7 But Yanek , the youngest grandson , tried and tried to remember what the sun-god had told him to do .
8 Preston stumbled out of bed and tried to give her a hug , but she fought him off as if it was an attack .
9 He shifted uncomfortably and tried to give her a reassuring grin .
10 Someone came to the shop and tried to sell him an old cross with paste stones in it .
11 We jumped out and met him at the rear of the vehicle and tried to show him a letter of introduction from the Algerian Ambassador to Britain , Lakhdar Brahimi .
12 THAT was a really important break for us , and helped to push us a few more rungs up the ladder .
13 Llandudno had merely assisted with funding his flight to this country and helped to get him a job in the locality .
14 Teachers Sarah , Caroline , Else and Wendy send a big ‘ Thank You ’ to everyone who supported their first ever Rally and helped to make it a big success — they are actually thinking of a second one this year !
15 George did , and yearned to tell him the Army had thought of it , that Maxim had mentioned how they worked under codenames , then wondered if the Army should tell Moscow that , too- and realised that he was after a list , as well .
16 Nowadays , quite a few recognised him , and seemed to bear him no grudges .
17 He had no ticket and she had a Season , and while he stood in line at the window they missed one train and she rolled her head and her eyes and seemed to think it a joke and when the train came there was one thought only in Millet 's mind .
18 Dorothy stood by him and came to visit him every day .
19 ‘ You sound as if I 'd been gone for a few hours and forgot to leave you a note . ’
20 One day , to escape heavy rain he wandered into a tavern called the ‘ Spotted Dog ’ which was kept by Joe Parrish , a veteran fighter , who became impressed with the young lad — then aged 16 — and began to teach him the science of the ring .
21 They developed a sort of regimental spirit about it , and started calling themselves the Firm .
22 She took me up to an apartment and started giving me a blow-job .
23 I thought how nice he was and decided to give him a treat and sit on his lap .
24 Norfolk-born Mavis McKechnie , 71 , of Mill House , Wissington , near Nayland , has wanted to try the walk for some time and decided to give it a serious purpose .
25 Then I thought about those children and decided to give it a go . ’
26 ‘ I 'd thought about it for some time , and decided to give it a go . ’
27 Although we broke even , we could not pay our wages and decided to call it a day ’ .
28 By 1 p.m. we had another forty-five sheep on deck and decided to call it a day .
29 The staff agreed the bird was too beautiful to be thrown out and decided to make it a mascot .
30 Manson saw that somehow and decided to write them a letter because he did n't like being called a creep .
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