Example sentences of "and [Wh adv] [pron] [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The major questions are how governments achieve executive power , what they do and how they may be removed .
2 This provides an opportunity to consider a wide ranging review of road safety activities and how they may be best managed to maximise casualty reduction .
3 Contemporary theorists have given much detailed attention to the questions of what a translation is , what kinds of translation may be attempted , what goals a translator may set , and how they may be achieved .
4 After junior appointments at St Thomas 's and Great Ormond Street he entered the Royal Army Medical Corps for two years , during part of which time he investigated the dangers of hyperthermia in tank crews and how they might be overcome .
5 It tells where the foods come from , how they are processed , how they should be stored and how they might be served .
6 We then discuss how financial reports can be used , and how they might be improved , to satisfy the demand for information about wider accountability issues .
7 The first thing we 're going to think of though , are the roles of people that you have in your team and how they might be able to help you in solving the problems .
8 Dave kept them talking — boasting about their dogs and how they would be back again next week .
9 The best way to look at it is as a examining the size of bricks and how they would be affected if that happened
10 Depending how far away a house you see was and how they would be .
11 Please could you describe the aids to me and how they should be used properly .
12 When six cartons of drugs , bandages and serums were heaped on my study floor there was the business of finding out when and how they should be administered .
13 Mr Justice Latham adjourned sentence on Allitt until May 28 , saying it was vital the public heard in court from the Regional Health Authority and the Department of Health ‘ what consideration has been , is being and will be given to determine what these lessons should be and how they should be put into effect . ’
14 Although that is not this case , I have done so both because we were told that it would be helpful to all those concerned with the treatment of minors and also perhaps the minors themselves and because it seems to be a logical base from which to proceed to consider the powers of the court and how they should be exercised .
15 I have spoken Joe , and I sent a memo to a copy to Martin er , suggesting where these should be placed and how they should be dealt with .
16 Discussions about the number of houses in rural areas , their size and density , how many should be publicly or privately owned , owner-occupied or rented , where they should be sited and how they should be designed are often presented as purely technical exercises .
17 First , children are particularly vulnerable and we should always be careful about whether and how they should be involved in research , and whose permission is important .
18 And how they should be no longer answerable to ordinary working people they know best , they will decide their political record is far from impressive lost four general elections the last one was on their agenda !
19 At a preschool stage children already require certain kinds of educational experiences , and quite a lot is now known as to what these are and how they should be delivered .
20 Yes , Chairman , can I say that erm , when the b the budget 's in the process of formulation and we 're discussing the question of balances and reserves and how they should be marked for the immediate future , particularly in regard to the way that er , reorganization may take place at police authorities in the very near future , and also those of us who are on this , on , on other committees who 've had experience in , and the same sort of thing happening in further education for instance , where immediately the assets , before even the regulations were put on the table , the assets of all these things were , all these er , erm , coll the further education colleges were frozen so we could n't do anything with them at all as an Authority , and er , actually many of them were taken from us without er , without any question at all .
21 ( e ) Examples Set out below are various categories of conveyance/transfers and how they should be dealt with for stamp duty purposes : ( i ) Conveyance or transfer pursuant to court order — no monetary consideration ( Eg Precedents 1 , 2 , 7 , 8 , 15 and 16 ) Provided this contains the following certificate ( it is suggested as part of the instrument ) no stamp duty is payable .
22 This will be the third in a series of five speeches by Mr Lang setting out his personal views on specific areas of policy and how they should be developed during the course of this Parliament .
23 The Elton Committee recommended that the head teacher should take the lead in defining the aims of the school in relation to standards of behaviour , create the conditions for establishing the widest possible measure of agreement on these standards and how they will be achieved , and ensure that these standards are consistently applied throughout the school .
24 The local authorities need to know where the resources will come from and how they will be allocated between the different areas of the country .
25 However , we will write to you with the details of the potential conflicts of interest and how they will be avoided before we commence work in accordance with the terms of this letter . .
26 However , we will write to you with the details of the potential conflicts of interest and how they will be avoided before we commence work in accordance with the terms of this letter .
27 However , we will write to you with the details of the potential conflicts of interest and how they will be avoided before we commence work in accordance with the terms of this letter .
28 However , we will write to you with the details of the potential conflicts of interest and how they will be avoided before we commence work in accordance with the terms of this letter .
29 However , we will write to you with the details of the potential conflicts of interest and how they will be avoided before we commence work in accordance with the terms of this letter .
30 However , we will write to you with the details of the potential conflicts of interest and how they will be avoided before we commence work in accordance with the terms of this letter .
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