Example sentences of "and [Wh det] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The career of a full-time vegetarian forager , always on the move in search of food , can not include patterns of child-care which make such demands on the mother and which put the neonate in such a dependent state .
2 For example , they must be helped to recognise that , in a society which is hostile and oppressively racist to black people , the black family has to develop coping mechanisms which allow the group to maintain dignity and self-respect and which help the family to survive in a psychologically healthy way .
3 There are a number of typical cracking patterns with various causes which develop in walls and which help the diagnosis of foundation failure , and these are shown in the accompanying illustrations .
4 There is a sturdy aspect to these performances which is most attractive and which suits the music .
5 Under the wide distribution of in-service funding , decisions will be local about which courses should be organized and sought from other people ( from local authority advisers , educational consultants or higher education ) and which courses the teachers of the school or group of schools which holds the purse-strings should be asked or encouraged to attend .
6 Its London frontbenchers work as a team , backed by a campaign committee which was set up under the chairmanship of the shadow Commons leader , Jack Cunningham , after bad local-election results in London a year ago — and which produced the London manifesto .
7 A useful feature of Halsbury is the ‘ Destination Table , ’ which will be found at the end of some consolidating Acts and which enables the provisions of the Act to be traced back to earlier legislation .
8 Yesterday 's Court of Appeal ruling overturned a High Court judge 's decision last month in favour of Hi-Tech Xtravision , of Camberley , Surrey , which makes and sells rival decoders and which challenged the right of BBC Enterprises to grant an exclusive decoder distributorship to Northampton-based Space Communications ( Sat Tel ) Ltd .
9 The constitution of the Vth Republic was intended to overcome the chronic factionalism , irresponsibility and opportunism which characterised the behaviour of deputés under those republics , and which rendered the government inoperable .
10 But of course we could n't ignore the factors which er were argued in front of the judge and which led the judge to make his ruling .
11 Against this monologic Amis can be set , by way of alter ego , the modernistic Amis of Barbara Everett 's discussion of Difficulties with girls , which occurred in the course of an essay on Hugh Kenner 's fantasy of a British betrayal of Modernism , and which springs the surprise of conveying that Amis , so often supposed an enemy of Modernism , is really a Modernist .
12 The Soviet specialists doubted the existence of local Mexican monopolies and defended an interpretation which ascribed a more progressive character to the Mexican state and which noted the primacy of anti-imperialist struggle ’ ( Carr : 1985 , p. 216 , footnote 38 ) .
13 Around 1903 , Colnaghi 's successful informal partnership with Knoedler 's began in an atmosphere which Hall describes as characterised by ‘ an affection and openness unusual among dealers of today ’ , and rested its success on Colnaghi 's ability to supply Old Masters , particularly Dutch seventeenth-century paintings , subsequently purchased by Henry Frick , and which formed the core of his collection .
14 My noble and learned friend , Lord Keith of Kinkel , at p. 112b , after pointing out that the draft Regulations were not capable of being amended when presented to Parliament , said that it was ‘ entirely legitimate for the purpose of ascertaining the intention of Parliament to take into account the terms in which the draft was presented by the responsible minister and which formed the basis of its acceptance . ’
15 The Economist referred to the device of ‘ calling in a High Court judge to write incredible economic nonsense ’ , but whatever view is taken of the justice or the wisdom of the report which recommended a considerable wage increase and which formed the basis of the settlement , the impression given was that the government had set up this enquiry to produce a report which would enable them to yield to the miners ' claim without total loss of face .
16 On the other hand , there is the approach which views mergers as highly undesirable and which doubts the claims made about efficiency improvements made as a result of mergers .
17 This is very much in evidence in Marguerite Duras 's L'Amant ( 1984 ) , which began as a commentary on an album of family photographs and which dramatizes the fragility of identity and the textualization of recollection .
18 In the case of independent schools which for the most part are not run as independent profit making institutions and which set the fees to raise enough money to cover the cost of running the school , the test is virtually indistinguishable from a market value test .
19 It might be objected that even though some criminal laws are in the interests of the dominant class and that others which are obviously not in these interests are ineffectively enforced , thus making them dead-letter laws , it still remains true that laws proscribing those types of victimizing behaviours of which we are all too aware and which set the nerve-ends of neo-classical/conservative criminologists , such as Wilson ( 1975 ) and Morgan ( 1978 ) tingling with fear and loathing , are in all our interests .
20 A good starting point is Bell 's ( 1968 ) work on middle-class families in South Wales , which highlighted the importance of financial support in middle-class kin groups and which identified the link between father and son ( or son-in-law ) as the main channel through which it flowed .
21 The type of information and the purpose of the exercise of database creation may mean different things but underlying these examples , there is a general concept central to all — that of using a microcomputer to store information in a way which provides rapid , flexible and specific access and which meets the needs of potential users .
22 The Free Churches have made much use of the explosion of hymn writing which has occurred during the last thirty years and which crosses the boundaries of all denominations .
23 Mercedes-Benz , which originally developed airbag technology and which fits the US size bag as standard to all its products in the UK , argues that even if the full size bag is triggered accidentally , the inflation and deflation cycle is over so quickly that the driver does not lose control .
24 When executed by humans with a sound knowledge of a subject and its terminology , free language indexing can result in an index which is both consistent in the assignment of index terms and which matches the perspective of index users .
25 So , if modern orthodox astronomy seems esoteric and omniscient , let's erect alternative theories of astronomy that are no less esoteric , and which challenge the claim to omniscience .
26 Is it not a British peculiarity , this combination of public prudery with extreme puriance , extreme interest in sex and devious at that , and which fills the newspapers whenever public events give them an opportunity .
27 They present a critical agenda involved in a current cultural confrontation — questioning the ideological partiality of a neo-conservative critical perspective , which apparently refuses to confront the terms on which it asserts its authenticity and which limits the range of cultural artefacts it will admit as civilised discourse .
28 It overlooks the fact that it is the public character of science and of its institutions which imposes a mental discipline upon the individual scientist , and which preserves the objectivity of science and its tradition of critically discussing new ideas .
29 A huge warehouse that 's nearing completion at Thurrock in Essex , and which offers the kind of discounts already enjoyed by millions of Americans .
30 The essential details needed are farm holding number , business location , fields and their sizes , what is in them and which schemes the farmer is applying for .
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