Example sentences of "and [Wh det] [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Yes , those Scales that the faithful foolish Gnomes of Gallan wrought for Erin and which disappeared towards the end of his reign . ’
2 They comprise those who , having looked hard at the evidence , have become increasingly alarmed at the pace and the direction of the legal and institutional changes which are taking place and which culminated in the Maastricht notion of Union citizenship .
3 Thus began the Peace Movement which continued through the remainder of the year with marches and hymnsinging rallies and which led to the award in 1977 of the Nobel Peace Prize to Mairead Corrigan and her co-founder , Mrs. Betty Williams .
4 Novell Inc has finally produced the big restructuring that it has been planning and ( sort of ) denying for so long and which led to the departure of Tony Scrivens as UK managing director .
5 The poverty and hunger in that period was exacerbated by the high import duties on foreign corn which kept the price of food high for the urban working class , and which led to the campaign to repeal the Corn Laws : this success assisted the subsequent development of industry on the foundations laid in this period .
6 The flowering of Serbian national culture which occurred in the late eighteenth century and which led to the national awakening and later re-establishment of a Serbian state , owes much to the Orthodox monasteries in Fruška Gora .
7 It is this point which was recognised in the Government 's review and which led to the intention to phase out drift-netting .
8 Some of the damage was done by the thousands of casks of rum which were stored in the town , and which exploded in the heat and caught fire immediately .
9 This latter development led to the breaking of new ground and organisational maturity through the introduction of well-founded resident tutor projects which characterised much of the activity in the Eastern District during this period and which flowered in the following and subsequent decades .
10 Originally , by taking the maypole they were transferring the luck , bestowed by the tree spirit and which went with the pole , to their own village .
11 Three congressional panels and the Justice Department were conducting the investigations , which opened in mid-May , and which centred on the HUD 's Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Programme .
12 As Keeton acknowledges , Dicey ‘ inherited an outlook upon the constitution which owed something to Burke , Blackstone and Bagehot , and which saw in the English system the climax of political achievement ’ .
13 Certainly there were new developments after 1660 which created new sources of political tension and which fed into the emergence of party , whilst over time the parties modified and adapted their positions to cope with new problems , issues and contingencies .
14 Foremost amongst the measures proposed in the latter instance was increased Aboriginal access to land , an issue upon which little progress had been made — with the possible exception of the sparsely populated Northern Territory — and which remained at the heart of much Aboriginal discontent .
15 Nonetheless , George Albert Smith 's name stands as the inventor of a colour process which was viable , which was shown worldwide , and which presented for the first time on the screen a photographically produced colour picture .
16 This remained only a vague idea until he read the same Soviet paper from the 1970s as Chatterjee had seen and which dealt with the abundance of helium-3 and helium-4 in minerals .
17 I am not intending to go through the report in detail erm but I hope that I we will now need to draw attention to one or two issues erm which are of particular concern and which emerged through the consultation process .
18 The other variable which was not patient defined and which contributed to the multiple regression model was being under the care of a general practitioner with a special interest in diabetes .
19 It may be instructive that the prime mover in the action was an American bank ( Allied International ) which has subsequently ceased operations in London and which withdrew from the action on those grounds , although their vice president in charge of operations at the material time was , and still is , resident here .
20 Jones ' best data did not exist until 1989 ; by the time that he met with the two chemists he had measured ‘ run number 6 ’ ( see Figure 4 , page 69 ) which is shown in his paper as the most dramatic signal and which proved to the BYU team 's satisfaction that they were right .
21 In the course of our case studies in the manufacturing sector we encountered several organisations which had recently introduced or extended their use of temporary working and which referred to the workers concerned as " casuals " .
22 He was one of the central figures in the Catholic Committee , a self-appointed body formed in 1778 , predominately lay in character and noble in membership , which saw itself as speaking for ‘ informed ’ Catholic opinion ( Petre always protected radicals among the clergy , such as Alexander Geddes , q.v. ) and which agitated for the freeing of the English Catholics from civil disabilities .
23 If you are starting from scratch , or just , decide what has to be bought and what improvised in the way of seating .
24 What gave rise to the protest of the intelligentsia , and what lay behind the revolutionary protest of its extreme wing , was the lack of opportunity afforded them by tsarist society .
25 Models are not the real thing , and what looked like the something from the future world of Dan Dare on the cover of the new Eagle comic was to be and feel quite a different slab of concrete .
26 Masklin could see a curtain , and what looked like the edge of a chair .
27 Dalgliesh glimpsed the ornate red-brick front of the local chapel , one or two prosperous-looking houses with Dutch gables , a small close of recently built , semi-detached boxes with the developer 's board still in place , and what looked like the village general store and post office .
28 To the side of the sink , under the draining-board , were half-empty sacks and bags which contained cereals , wood shavings and what looked like the sort of seeds you feed to birds rather than the ones you roll with tobacco .
29 Buried beneath a fretwork of ancient planks , polythene sacks , and what looked like the treadle off a sewing machine , she saw a scruffy hessian-wrapped parcel .
30 And what became of the caretaker 's bitch ?
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