Example sentences of "and [noun prp] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This move from nominalism about the extra-mental to nominalism about mental acts can be seen in the development from Descartes to Locke and Berkeley , or , perhaps , in the contrast between such continental rationalists as Descartes , Malebranche and Leibnitz on the one hand , and British philosophers from Bacon and Hobbes on the other .
2 However , in Alcine , Act 5 , scenes 2–3 , with the entry of Melissa , the deus ex machina whose magic power is greater than Alcina 's , and who rescues the lovers Astophus and Melanie in the nick of time , an exceptional progression is used D major to F major .
3 Tension between Hungary and Czechoslovakia over the Gabcikovo hydro-electric dam project increased during February , as Czechoslovakia prepared to resume work on the project , contrary to Hungarian wishes .
4 The place had been occupied by the Americans for ten days or more , but 9th Air Force was flying missions down to the south and Czechoslovakia until the end of the month .
5 SA 's neighbouring countries are Namibia and Botswana on the west , Zimbabwe to the north and Mozambique in the East .
6 Today , production is of the order of 25,000 tonnes per year — at Billingham and Wilton in the UK and Rozenburg in Holland .
7 Amanieu VII 's marriage to Rose de Bourg brought with it important landed possessions around Bourg and Blaye ; his daughter Mathe married Renaud de Pons , lord of Bergerac , in 1314 , and was to give the Albret a significant foothold on the borders of Périgord ; while Amanieu 's son , Bérard I ( d. 1346 ) who was lord of Vayres and Vertheuil in the Entre-deux-Mers , acquired the castles and lordships of Langoiran and Podensac for his cadet son Amanieu through the latter 's marriage to Mabille d'Escossan in 1345 .
8 The lamp was tried by Buddle and Davy at the Hebburn colliery on 1 January , 1816 , with good results .
9 Its contents may be verified by reference to the works quoted in the bibliography , especially those of Kinsey and his collaborators and by Masters and Johnson in the United States ( although stemming from studies in another and slightly different culture they hold much validity for Britain also ) and by Chatham , Eysenck , Felstein and Gorer in the United Kingdom .
10 The Great Bear is now practically overhead ; Capella is fairly high in the west and Vega in the east , so that it is interesting to compare the two ; in brightness they are almost equal , but Capella is a yellow star whereas Vega is vivid blue .
11 There was a clock on the tower of the Governor 's Palace which overlooked the square ( and a sundial which gave the time in Agra , Tobolsk , Isfahan and Moscow in the mornings and in Lima , Buenos Aires , Pico di Teneriffe , Lisbon , Paris and Rio in the afternoons ) .
12 That incident illustrated how easy it would be for an atomic war to develop , so a hot-line was set up by means of a permanent telephone link between Washington in the U.S.A. and Moscow in the U.S.S.R.
13 In milder climes , and Moscow in the autumn ( ask Napoleon and the Germans ) , the problem is deep mud ; you need wellies .
14 This is so to the extent that the claim for a structurally distinct postmodernist mode of signification breaks down in the face of a variety of historical avant-garde practices ranging across Europe from London to Vienna and Moscow in the hands of such as Eliot , Joyce , the Cubists , Surrealists and others ( including , somewhat surprisingly , Kokoschka ) .
15 I grew up on his idea of Sir Walter Ralegh , and his Agincourt poem and Offa on the Dyke .
16 Right there you have Englands No1 keeper , 2 international full backs , Scales and Linighan in the centre , Taylor and Deane up front … not to mention Sheridan etc. in midfield .
17 The new entity , to be called Galileo International , will have offices in Chicago , Denver and Swindon in the UK .
18 Regional Railways has been assured that they will knock 16 minutes off the journey between Redditch and Lichfield in the West Midlands .
19 Regional Railways has been assured that they will knock 16 minutes off the journey between Redditch and Lichfield in the West Midlands .
20 The classic surviving example of this pattern is the Church of S. Martin at Frómista , which is roughly half-way between Burgos and León on the route .
21 The only real kiss is the platonic one between Dustin and McQueen on the cliff top , before McQueen dives into the sea and escapes , swimming surprisingly powerfully for a man of his age and condition .
22 To achieve this , he had to secure the support of Kent and Sussex against the risk of a retaliatory strike by Robert .
23 Finally , although support for the strike call was not very strong across the four local ballots held in the ‘ in-between ’ group , solidarity was high in the early months , and remained so in Durham and Northumberland until the dispute 's end ; in the other three fields , however , support waned , with most Cumberland miners back at work by the end of 1984 , alongside about half of their contemporaries in North Derbyshire and Lancashire .
24 In his lunch-hour he would go out and meet Dave and Colin in the pub for lunch .
25 All over France , from Lille and Dijon in the north and east to Bordeaux in the south-west , artillery became an essential and accepted part of the growing defensive system associated with towns .
26 But North 's fortune was really made with the war of the Pacific ( 1879–83 ) between Chile on the one hand and Peru and Bolivia on the other .
27 Ensemble ships in August for Sparc systems , with IBM , HP and DEC by the end of the year .
28 Dancer he knew — she was on a bill with me and Lennie down the Hackney Empire .
29 Despite his good intentions , however , all thought of Alice slipped from his mind next day when he accompanied Aubrey and Madeleine to the polo match .
30 She hustled Victorine and Madeleine from the kitchen , then tied on an apron and set to .
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