Example sentences of "and [adv] she go [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 A word gets around the famine is over and after the tragic experience of loosing her family , her three men in her life , her husband and her sons , nobody starts to consider the situation again , she 's alone now in a foreign , a strange land , surely the only sensible thing for her to do would be to return to her own people in Bethlehem , they say news comes through that they 've been a succession of good harvest , well of course there was gon na be good harvest , god had n't forsaken his people , although they had sinned , although they had done what was wrong , he had n't forsaken them , gods not in the business for forsaken people , he 's long suffering , he is faithful , he keeps his covenant from one generation to another that he had n't forgotten the people in Bethlehem and he had sent them through and he had provided good harvests those who had remained in Bethlehem during the famine , they 'd only suffered for a short time , perhaps enough time to bring them to their senses , to bring them back to god , now the suffering was forgotten as they revelled in a plentiful supplying in abundant harvests Naomi on the other hand she knows want now , she 's suffering bereavement , she 's suffering poverty , she 's suffering remorse , there 's nothing for her in Noad , there 's no rest , no joy , no provision , nothing that could meet her needs what a pity she had wasted there those ten wasted those ten years , ten long wasted years in her life now she comes to a decision whatever the cost and there is a cost , she 's gon na have to eat humble pie , how are they gon na receive her when she goes back but she comes to that decision that no matter what it costs her , she will go back to the place that was chosen for her by god , her inheritance of him It always to our cost when we under value our inheritance , do you remember the story of Jacob and Aesop and how Aesop despised his birth right , the inheritance that was his , and Illuminarc and Naomi had done the same , and you and I can do it so easily , leaving , forgetting , not entering in to the inheritance that is ours in Christ , we do it to our own costs , and so she goes through that I 'm gon na go back , I 'm gon na take up my inheritance , I 'm going back home .
2 So she began , and so she went on .
3 And so she went out to school every morning , not to the threepenny one run by the Council , nor to the Church of England , but to the penny school run by the Methodists .
4 Since her last cry of ‘ Do n't ! ’ she had not uttered a word , and now she went out of the dining room on James 's arm without once looking back at Alexandra .
5 And then she went over to the attack again .
6 And she teased her out and straightened her up a little , and then she went over to the makeup table and tore off a length of the soft toilet roll that she used instead of Kleenex , and then she sat on the floor beside Lucy and put her arm around her shoulders .
7 And then she went round again and we said well push so and so
8 Later , in the chapel adjoining the castle , Father Jerome said Benediction and prayed for Sara and the life that lay before her ; and then she went up the narrow staircase to her bed and , when Candida had helped her to undress , stood a while longer at her window , looking through the narrow slit at the lights in the harbour and the dark , massive mountains behind .
9 There was a moment 's silence and then she went on , ‘ I 've always blamed myself .
10 And then she went on , ‘ They live in the grounds .
11 There was an uncomfortable silence for a moment and then she went on , ‘ Is this an example of your research methods ?
12 And then he gave orders to Punch for tea to be prepared and they had a terrible time finding any china that was n't cracked or broken and then she went on working in the pantry as quiet as a mouse and she could hear you both talking as clear as clear .
13 Ruth Michaelis and her brother were taken by their mother ‘ all the way to our first foster family , a rector and his wife in Kent , and then she went back to Germany ’ .
14 Katie I took out of school and then she went back again .
15 And then she went back about half past five until nine o'clock .
16 And then and then like you know and then she went off in a mood cos I cos I go to let's me sit opposite you like hinting like oh I do n't want to sit there .
17 At Maryport , and no , and sailed over to Maryport , and then she went down to .
18 month of December was sort of off and trying to do odd things and then she went down with this , this flu er which was progressively worse since the new year .
19 but , then again with Eileen you never know with Eileen she says well it 's , it depends on our Sandra she said I 'm not building up on it cos you know what she is , but she says if you know she might want Alan to come and then she goes on and , and then , then she says I do n't know what we shall do really if we do come , she says cos if Eileen wo n't , she 's work , really ca n't come if Alan comes
20 Well , it 's funny cos like , she 'd , me Mum an that 's been taking her shopping down and she 's been buying it herself and like me Auntie Jean , she goes down three or four times a day sometimes and then she goes down again and it 's all missing !
21 She sort of glances at me and then she goes back to watching her programme .
22 Again and again she went over her conversation with Ven , and could n't help but wonder what had got into her , for goodness ' sake !
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