Example sentences of "and [adv] [pron] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 And so his education in Hitchcock and Huston and Wilder had run parallel to his study of English .
2 And so my tour in Mespot came to an end , I gained my " wings " on 13 June 1935 and was promoted to sergeant .
3 In general the larger libraries engage in more structured training and much more training as a whole , than small libraries , and perhaps their domination in this field has tended to obscure the problems faced by smaller authorities who never could — or increasingly , no longer can-base their training programmes on the assumption that staff can easily , or frequently be released from their normal workplace :
4 Further research in this field is currently aimed at elucidating the precise mechanism(s) that regulate each of these factors and at determining their influence on hepatocyte-matrix interaction and thus their importance in liver injury .
5 The prayer of Jesus from the heart of the suffering world is not something in the mind , it is his accepted bodily agony and it is by being given the grace to accept our material weakness and pain and finally our death in union with him that we too can pray .
6 This is John Fisher , who is remembered for his disputes in his latter years and finally his execution in London by order of Henry VIII .
7 It is understood Raynsford suffered a fractured skull and yesterday his condition in hospital was described as ‘ comfortable ’ .
8 He said that the British advocacy of the " critical loads " approach " the scientific method used to determine what quantities of acid rain damage ecosystems and hence what reductions in emissions need to be made " " has often reflected considerations other than critical loads " .
9 ‘ I very much welcome the initiative the Guild has taken in devising its Diploma Training Scheme and particularly its work in promoting good hygiene practice .
10 The bullet avoids in this , well very briefly , erm about for half a dozen of them , first of all erm , I 'd like members to be aware of the increasing interest being taken by the Department of Transport in the Ipswich transportation strategy and the Ipswich traffic study before that , the predictions we have from our consultants for the year two thousand and six and particularly their interest in their own trunk road system around Ipswich and the capacity of the Orwell Bridge , so that Department of Transport in Bedford are suddenly come to life to see what 's happening and have requested access to the information we have required from previous investment and consultancy work and the panel of members , the joint panel of members Ipswich , Suffolk recently gave approval to expose for being their findings of our work to the Department of Transport , which I think is a very good move and , and only be of some valuable to us ultimately .
11 Britain became obsessed with the conviction that its very existence as a great power hinged upon the possession of India , to the extent that all major policies — Britain 's activities in Africa , for example , or in the Mediterranean , and even its alignments in Europe — were deduced from the supposed requirements of the Indian Empire and the Route to India .
12 We are expected to make seasonal adjustments to change our clothes , make-up and even our bodies in accordance with fashion .
13 That gap year between school and college was all very well , and I know you enjoyed beachcombing in Thailand , and even your spell in the bush , teaching Hottentots .
14 This was particularly great in Britain after the introduction of male conscription in 1916 , but in some other countries , including Germany , many tasks were considered unsuitable for women and initially their employment in war work was discouraged .
15 Secondly , engineering inspectors of AIB had been called upon to provide the engineering input to RAF boards of inquiry concerning accidents to military aircraft ever since the Branch was part of the old Air Ministry and consequently their expertise in jet aircraft investigating techniques was already at a high pitch before the first civil jet airliners entered service .
16 The objectives of the research are to assess the product quality of a broad range of articles manufactured in the Soviet Union , and consequently their marketability in Western countries .
17 Frederick thus presents the paradox of a ruler who was sincerely attracted by many of the ideas of the Enlightenment , who voiced these ideas and advertised his adherence to them throughout his life , and yet whose policies in practice were hardly affected at all by the new intellectual currents of the age .
18 Oh yeah , i in that way er certainly when he produced the bonus contract to go with the saw table , you know we w that was fairly plain , that production would have risen in his estimates quite considerably , and yet our wages in fact would have dropped quite considerably so , yes I mean er it did n't seem quite to tally in the way we would have like to have seen it .
19 Thus , the reforms started a course which was the precise opposite of the emperor 's intention — moves to resist centralization , indeed , to secure greater decentralization , a process which ultimately led to the division of the empire in a Dual Monarchy , and ultimately its disintegration in the first World War .
20 They had ‘ disavowed any intention , for the present , of acting in opposition to the Labour movement in the country , and certainly their action in many constituencies during the last election gives earnest of their disavowal . ’
21 and therefore its stay in Croydon was short .
22 It is pushing your products , your people and therefore your company in the best possible light .
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