Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [pers pn] all " in BNC.

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1 After all these years , I 'd taken something to bits and successfully put it all back together again .
2 An old lady descends from the black branches of the fire escape every morning and wearily gathers it all up and clambers home with it in paper bags : the food left for her by the birds .
3 I think about how I could get dressed up and go out somewhere , for a couple of hours , and just leave it all , because I get so sick of it sometimes …
4 Well I just , I just get my pay and then I go and fucking blow it all .
5 and a cup of coffee and a cigarette , and I always do that but this day I was so tired after the doing the garden , both gardens like and fucking weeding them all and doing everything else and brushing out the back and doing I said to him for fuck 's sake do them dishes for me for a change William would you I said , so I got er got myself in the bath said I 'm away to bingo , so William 's gone out what happened ? eight , I had eight he had one you may get yourself I said ah fuck no wonder I have no fucking luck , so on the settee and said I 'm not going anywhere , I sat for ten minutes then I said ah fuck you why should I sit here so I lifted the car keys and walked out again then , fucking zooming out of and there was John coming up like that
6 He conducted a visitation every five years , when he went there and interviewed each individual member of the community and finally gave them all a charge .
7 It 's just one , one of those many piec pieces of evidence you know so that the Freud you know like the great detective you know uses all these little insignificant facts and finally puts them all together and draws everybody together you know in the drawing room and says I will now reveal the murderer , you know Moses was not an Egyptian , sorry Moses was not a Jew he was an Egyptian .
8 I 'll have our breakfast and promptly threw it all up
9 Only two feet above the glassy water a dozen dug-out canoes are lashed to the side and more join us all the time .
10 It was a magnificent vision : the mighty , black-winged birds , their wings fully 10 feet from tasselled tip to tasselled tip , rose and fell in the cold wind against a background of the brown earth below them , the deep blue sky above them and , behind them and nearly circling us all , the great grey fortresses of the Andes , sheer walls of ice , snow and rock nearly two miles high .
11 Why do n't you try to talk and maybe get it all in some sort of perspective ? ’
12 Phone me and then get it all given to them just like that .
13 As he lived in the city , Mr Coary drove me up to the Noones ’ for my bag and then took me all the way back to O'Brien 's Hotel in Dublin , where I had stayed long before .
14 I think they 've all got their own washing machines on the ward and that sort of thing , whereas we had to do it by hand and then bundle it all up and send it down to the laundry .
15 Draw a rough sketch and then translate them all in a permanent fashion to the wall .
16 The housewife has to get the washing there in the first place , she has to unload it , sort it , sit and watch it wash and dry ( or dash out to shop in the interim ) and then pack it all up again .
17 Then probably , if the weather was fine the next day or two , we would go and drag-rake it up with another horse in a drag-rake ; and then rake it all up and put it on the cock .
18 Doing as she had bid herself , she walked into the cottage and then spoilt it all by slamming the door .
19 I can collect Miss Maynard from Liverpool Street and then drive us all down to Hillmarden together . ’
20 Dropping her head , she tugged a brush vigorously through the rippling red-gold , and then tossed it all back in a wild wavy curtain .
21 I thought I could give dad some of these and then eat them all myself
22 So I sprinkled this stuff inside every pair of knickers in the drawer and then folded them all up again carefully . ’
23 If you really want to , you can push the crates around and then push them all back again , and nothing will have changed except the dust on the floor and your state of health .
24 Okay so that 's how you , that 's how you 'd do three quarters you 'd say well I could find a quarter of it and then cut it all up into quarters and then I 'll take three pieces , three quarters .
25 . I suppose what we should of done is , done the next one along the drop down there and then matched it all up backwards is n't it ?
26 And sewed on the sewing machine and then painted them all with raw linseed oil but raw linseed oil took a long while to dry but they soft .
27 It looked through the small door window , asked what was going on , and then told them all to stand back .
28 And then round it all off either by killing someone , or — if that seems too drastic a step — by getting yourself killed .
29 maybe she 's got a bug or something , that 's what I had a few weeks ago remember , mm , mm , oh and then to cap it all
30 Erm , and I mean , I I was just cringing after that , hearing all these , minor horror stories coming coming out , and then to cap it all , one little girl put her hand up and said erm , my daddy was stopped by the police once for not wearing his seat-belt .
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