Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Irish Short Stories selected by David Marcus ( Sceptre , £6.99 ) — A collection rich as Guinness and vastly varied in mood and style — from sparkling blarney to dark epic .
2 One of the most capable and widely respected of radio managers in Canada is Sid Boyling , with whom I had the pleasure of working , back in those early days of broadcasting at 1OAB where he was chief announcer .
3 It is widely distributed in space among different individuals , and widely distributed in time over many generations .
4 The principle behind the technique is now a familiar one and widely used by vaccine manufacturers to obtain large quantities of virus for the standard killed flu vaccines ( New Scientist , vol 56 , p 630 ) .
5 Today , despite assurances given by the Under-Secretary of State for Social Security in Committee , crucial regulations on disability have been botched together with the uprating measures so that they can not be effectively and properly considered by Parliament .
6 For all your sound recording , take care to ensure that your microphone leads and audio connections are electrically sound and properly screened from hum pick-up , so that the signal arrives at the camcorder in the best possible condition .
7 By the time he was eight , Michael Lee was an accomplished thief , and successfully touted for business for some of the street-girls , usually those who were either too ugly , raddled or diseased to approach a customer themselves .
8 2.9 By transferring 1,000,000 new ordinary shares in Blue Arrow from NatWest Investment Bank to County NatWest Securities to account for a similar holding by Handelsbank NatWest and falsely representing that those shares were held by County atWest Securities Limited for the purposes of market making ; 2.10 By failing properly to account for the acquisition , distribution and disposal of 66,600,000 shares in Blue Arrow held by NatWest Investment Bank and County NatWest in the records required for accounting purposes by NatWest Investment Bank and County NatWest ; 2.11 By failing properly to account for the acquisition , distribution and disposal of 34,069,433 shares in Blue Arrow held by Phillips & Drew Securities in the records required for accounting purposes by Phillips & Drew Securities ; 2.12 By falsely representing that County NatWest had become interested in 9.5 per cent of the issued capital of Blue Arrow on December 17,1987 and that the board of Blue Arrow had been informed of that interest ; 2.13 By concealing the true position in relation to the rights issue from the Bank of England , the International Stock Exchange , National Westminster Bank and/ or the board of directors of Blue Arrow ; 2.14 By falsely representing that the rights issue had been honestly and successfully completed by reason of their general skill , competence and diligence .
9 Hot-wire anemometers have been most widely and successfully used in gas flows .
10 During the period of the first Opium war ( 1840–2 ) Jardine pursued banking and insurance in London , and successfully stood for election in 1841 as the Whig candidate for Ashburton ( Devon ) .
11 for example , in her solo in Ashton 's Cinderella the Winter Fairy moves across the stage in a series of pas de bourrée en tournantà terre , the feet weaving their in-and-out pattern as the arms flick to and fro sparkling with frost .
12 In due course they will arrive in Safra to be offloaded over a beach and thence travel by road into the theatre of operations .
13 The injection of lava along mid-oceanic ridges , for instance , could push the adjacent plates apart and thereby contribute to plate motion ( Fig. 2.17(D) ) .
14 ‘ XA ’ addresses CD-ROM 's deficiencies by permitting different types of data — text , sound , images — to be interleaved and thereby accessed in parallel from the disc .
15 Drawing largely on the Marshall Berman/Perry Anderson debate , and thereby making of Modernism the characteristic expression of the experience of modernity , itself conceived as a response to capitalist modernisation , Callinicos seems to want to claim in essence that both the former are partial in respect of the fact of this last .
16 Given the wide definitions accorded to LIFESPAN modules and packages , the various stages of software production , from design and implementation through to issue , can all be planned out as packages and thereby brought under control from the outset .
17 Message meaning on the other hand corresponds to the intended meaning , is usually unambiguous and mostly determined by context .
18 Paul Hopkinson was born on June 29 1906 , the son of a former professor of archaeology who became a clergyman and eventually retired as Archdeacon of West Morland .
19 An epidemic of infertility caused by widespread toxic contamination means that known ‘ breeders ’ are herded together and eventually selected for insemination by the powerful .
20 So Jessie became a secretary to a Manchester solicitor and eventually fell in love with and married an officer during the First World War .
21 They became friendly and eventually fell in love .
22 They are extremely heavy and expensive and eventually suffer from corrosion — particularly when used with copper pipe .
23 An exponent of traditional economic expansion through centralized planning , Li was attacked by Deng and his reformist allies after 1979 , and eventually removed as Deputy Premier and given the largely ceremonial position of national President .
24 I was lucky in my tutors and my college , and like so many young men before and since fell in love with the place .
25 It is essential that all equipment and instruments in use are inspected and regularly maintained , and effectively decontaminated after use .
26 When a linear amorphous polymer is in the glassy state , the material is rigid and brittle because the flow units of the chain are co-operatively immobile and effectively frozen in position .
27 Before the Second World War ethnic Japanese were barred from applying for US citizenship ; in the months following Pearl Harbour 110,000 people were described in a State Department report as comprising a ‘ generally suspect ethnic group ’ and forcibly relocated from west coast communities to internment camps in the remote deserts of California , Arizona and Colorado , where most remained until the closing months of the war .
28 Cultivation Sweet marjoram is easily grown , provided the seed is not sown outdoors until the end of late spring , and rigorously protected against frost .
29 Further , if Lawrence 's celebration of heterosexuality is dependent upon a repression of , a disavowal of , and a displacement on to , homosexuality , such passages are animated by a homoerotic desire consciously and artistically sublimated into heterosexuality .
30 Complications developed in 15 patients , all of which were managed conservatively and most occurred during development of the technique .
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