Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One of the most capable and widely respected of radio managers in Canada is Sid Boyling , with whom I had the pleasure of working , back in those early days of broadcasting at 1OAB where he was chief announcer .
2 Drawing largely on the Marshall Berman/Perry Anderson debate , and thereby making of Modernism the characteristic expression of the experience of modernity , itself conceived as a response to capitalist modernisation , Callinicos seems to want to claim in essence that both the former are partial in respect of the fact of this last .
3 These various schemes proved problematic , however , and little came of Coxe 's ambitions , though they were briefly the subject of government interest in 1719 , when the question arose of the English title to this part of America .
4 But such knowledge would not be systematically imparted , with a view of long-term utility , nor with the aim of enabling the student to adapt what he has learned to new and hitherto unthought of situations .
5 cos trolley buses , in this town were really the erm well I suppose they really came about , rather than motor buses right at the start because built trolley buses and so did of Laiston .
6 Naturally , there are many TNCs that run specific production lines to serve specific markets ( see Hill and Still , 1984a , b ) , but it is usually the case that a TNC will prefer to enter a new market with a standard product rather than incur the costs of retooling , redesign and perhaps restructuring of distribution .
7 Management skills and systems development to ensure efficient use of resources in a more dispersed service and better targeting of health need
8 There was a babble of languages and much pointing of fingers .
9 There were no metal tools — only stone , wood and bone were used ; there was no written language and thus recording of land rights and rules for their disposal ; there were no cereal crops , and limited means only of storing foodstuffs ; and so on .
10 This work tackles two other areas which are relevant to natural language indexing : Chapter 11 discusses the generation of printed indexes based upon the words in titles ; it also reviews some of the basic strengths and limitations of natural language indexing in the context of printed indexes based entirely upon titles alone ; Chapter 17 considers post-coordinate indexing and online searching of databases .
11 Dyson tried to fix his mind upon the tiny grains of chalk fleeing before the duster , filling the air , and settling upon shiny surfaces , totally and eternally discharged of theorem and crusade , or any lingering imprint of them .
12 She was shaking like a leaf in a storm , bewildered and utterly drained of emotion .
13 Now it seems we are back to normal , with catchy weather frustrating attempts to get on where crops are fit , and further kicking of heels in prospect once the winter barleys have been cleared .
14 She stepped out from behind her rock , her skimpy dress clinging uncomfortably to her wet skin , providing absolutely no warmth , and still reeking of smoke .
15 Dunn Roamin … and still speaking of Sunderland , Kip Watson reports that former Gas Board fitter and Roker left winger Barry Dunn has just passed two score .
16 Mr Le Pen said his 17-member party was being persecuted and unjustly accused of racism and fascism .
17 He too was arrested and later convicted of treason and executed .
18 He was detected at the check-out point before he had paid for the joint and later convicted of theft contrary to section 1(1) of the Act of 1968 .
19 It was rather clever of Lewis Carroll to think of an animal , flamingo , which could be used as a mallet and also to think of hedgehogs as balls .
20 She was a neat little blonde , five years my senior , and perpetually smelling of eau de cologne and cheap powder .
21 But Mill may have meant something rather different , namely that , although all pleasures are , in themselves , and apart from their effects , good , and all pains , with a similar qualification , bad , they are pleasant and painful , and hence possessed of value or disvalue , in incommensurable ways .
22 Since Hilton is at pains to show that true contemplation had nothing to do with the emotions and clearly disapproves of Rolle 's spirituality , the term seems puzzling .
23 Mr Sulzberger reckons his newspaper ‘ is slightly left of centre on social issues and slightly left of centre on economic issues but is rapidly becoming more conservative on everything . ’
24 Thrush Green parents , fortunately , were still unspoilt by modern educational theories , and heartily approved of Miss Watson 's strong line .
25 They become disorientated , wander aimlessly around and often die of dehydration .
26 In the 1990's , we may well be heading towards the classless society so sought after and well documented of politicians , yet the Royal Berkshire Club , built within the existing framework of a society which demands ever higher standards in its leisure facilities , remains a class act in its own right .
27 Her mother Margaret disapproves of fancy weddings and strongly disapproves of evening invitations .
28 The usually good demarcation of tumour from normal brain allows a clean removal , quickly relieves symptoms of intracranial hypertension , and frequently improves of signs of focal brain dysfunction .
29 I do n't know if he was sexually assaulted and maybe died of shock .
30 From there he went on to become kadi of Edirne and then kadi of Istanbul .
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