Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The principle behind the technique is now a familiar one and widely used by vaccine manufacturers to obtain large quantities of virus for the standard killed flu vaccines ( New Scientist , vol 56 , p 630 ) .
2 Today , despite assurances given by the Under-Secretary of State for Social Security in Committee , crucial regulations on disability have been botched together with the uprating measures so that they can not be effectively and properly considered by Parliament .
3 2.9 By transferring 1,000,000 new ordinary shares in Blue Arrow from NatWest Investment Bank to County NatWest Securities to account for a similar holding by Handelsbank NatWest and falsely representing that those shares were held by County atWest Securities Limited for the purposes of market making ; 2.10 By failing properly to account for the acquisition , distribution and disposal of 66,600,000 shares in Blue Arrow held by NatWest Investment Bank and County NatWest in the records required for accounting purposes by NatWest Investment Bank and County NatWest ; 2.11 By failing properly to account for the acquisition , distribution and disposal of 34,069,433 shares in Blue Arrow held by Phillips & Drew Securities in the records required for accounting purposes by Phillips & Drew Securities ; 2.12 By falsely representing that County NatWest had become interested in 9.5 per cent of the issued capital of Blue Arrow on December 17,1987 and that the board of Blue Arrow had been informed of that interest ; 2.13 By concealing the true position in relation to the rights issue from the Bank of England , the International Stock Exchange , National Westminster Bank and/ or the board of directors of Blue Arrow ; 2.14 By falsely representing that the rights issue had been honestly and successfully completed by reason of their general skill , competence and diligence .
4 In due course they will arrive in Safra to be offloaded over a beach and thence travel by road into the theatre of operations .
5 Message meaning on the other hand corresponds to the intended meaning , is usually unambiguous and mostly determined by context .
6 More usually the allocation emerges from a pattern of related decisions including what can be reliably and economically achieved by hardware and software , what the allocated tasks look like as integrated jobs for the human operators , the skills and traditions of the available work-force , the importance of safety and reliability and so on ( Table 1.7 ) .
7 Compared with the figures on page 26 cars are particularly likely to be financed by loans from banks or finance companies ; clothes , presents and luxury goods to be bought on mail order , and rarely financed by HP or loans ; and , as might be expected , domestic appliances to be bought using fuel board credit ( see Appendix I , Table 17 ) .
8 Travelling in a first-class carriage , waited on hand and foot and endlessly interrupted by kind ticket inspectors who wanted to see if one was quite happy !
9 Their efficiency was growing , their outlook becoming wider and less bound by tradition .
10 Politics in the US is less structured , less ideological and less dominated by party .
11 Only this : it is misleading to suggest that a socialist alternative qualitatively different from the actual record of 1964–70 existed in potentia and merely went by default , on account of a failure of political will .
12 Although he was still , of course , a professional of the highest class , he was now in his seventies and much ravaged by arthritis and other ailments .
13 The industrial worker 's control over the work process is shaped and generally reduced by technology ; in the home , machines do not themselves determine the pace and rhythm of work .
14 Each view is essentially contemptuous of popular judgement , relying on the idea that people are dupes , unable to form their own ideas and easily swayed by press magnates/communist agitators .
15 The German grain-growers had felt the transatlantic threat , but also wished to protect themselves against Russian grain , cheaply produced and easily distributed by rail .
16 But these should be designed with a view to be pupil friendly and easily used by non-specialist teaching , for example , supply teachers .
17 The presence of a restaurant and public toilets suggests , however , that an influx of visitors is sometimes expected , and such is the case , for across the water and soon reached by boat is the well known island of Handa .
18 The conclusion he drew , in stark contrast to Haya de la Torre , was that the revolution in Latin America could only be socialist , and that the united front , gradualist tactics advanced by the Comintern ( and by APRA ) were invalid in a continent overshadowed by the United States and deeply penetrated by monopoly capital .
19 In contrast , the District 's perception of the Cambridge Board 's policy was that its own work would be undermined and possibly replaced by expansion of the Board 's providing powers for Chapter III courses through the appointment of a cadre of university resident tutors throughout the region .
20 Craig Monson builds on his edition of the vernacular service music to validate suspicions that between the Short Services by Tallis and Byrd , and between those by Byrd and Morley , there is a commonality of material and procedures both overt and covert that is not coincidental but deliberate , and possibly inspired by respect for and deference to a master by ( not a pupil , but ) a disciple .
21 Concern was also expressed by various members about the possibility of the Institute examinations and training being affected by , and possibly superseded by NVQ .
22 When Robbie lost her temper , it was a sudden eruption , short-lived and always followed by remorse .
23 Stateless societies are so constituted that the kaleidoscopic succession of concrete social situations provides the stimulus that motivates each individual to act for his own interest or for that of close kin and neighbours with whom he is so totally involved , in a manner which maintains the fabric of society … the lack of specialized roles and the resulting multiplex quality of social networks mean that neither economic nor political ends can be exclusively pursued by anyone to the detriment of society , because the ends are intertwined with each other and further channelled by ritual and controlled by the beliefs which ritual expresses .
24 The yeast , which gives the beers a rich fruitiness , is a strain developed by Ridleys of Chelmsford and further cultured by Crouch Vale in Essex .
25 Colourmasters are one-off photographic copies of paintings mainly in English private collections , a process invented by the late Leo Valla and further developed by Colour Processing Laboratories of Edenbridge .
26 Art depends a lot on contrast and in urban areas there is plenty of that — even in a place like Darwin repeatedly bombed by the Japanese in World War 11 and further flattened by Cyclone Tracy in 1974 , now rebuilt as an up-to-date hotelsville in a style of architecture that , trying hard to be modern , succeeds in being already dated .
27 She had said , her eyes glittering with simulated enthusiasm , that she could hardly wait to get to her cottage , and Betty had said wistfully that it seemed like years since she had seen a blade of grass ( which was silly in itself , because of what else were the lawns of Hyde Park composed ? ) ; so Lydia , unhinged with the shock of bereavement , and further undone by wine , had said she could come too .
28 The fjords are enclosed by bare rocky peaks which are totally impassable in the winter and still touched by snow , ice and glaciers in high summer .
29 Love children , he had read , were more beautiful , more charming and more favoured by destiny than those born in wedlock .
30 The reform of GCSE , placing more emphasis on terminal examinations and graded papers , will introduce greater academic rigour and more streaming by ability .
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