Example sentences of "and [pers pn] is to the " in BNC.

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1 For it is to this that another reacts and it is to the face of another that I speak .
2 PAYO , themselves a revelation last year , have progressed well , and it is to the credit of the young string players that they were not outclassed by the wind .
3 His success in London was immediate , and it is to the history and development of English painting that he subsequently belongs .
4 On other fronts , too , Niki , was proving a leader , the sort of senior driver whose participation in a team was greater than that of a mere employee , and it is to the merit of Ron Dennis and McLaren that Lauda was allowed to play a wider role .
5 Apart from the cliffs and shore line , there is little here to delay discerning searchers of natural beauty , the hinterland being dreary and desolate , and it is to the west that footsteps and car wheels must turn to find the dramatic scenery and fine landscapes of the far north .
6 It is important , therefore , to know what count as ‘ purely public judicial review actions ’ which must be brought under Ord. 53 ; and it is to the definition of this term that we must now turn .
7 Earlier chapters ( see Chapter 6 especially ) have indicated how the financing of budget deficits ( or surpluses ) has implications for the size of the money supply and the level of interest rates , and it is to the relationship between these monetary variables and economic activity that we will turn in Chapter 11 .
8 And it is to the trade union that they would have to account for the exercise of that authority .
9 But when such circumstances do arise , questions with respect to the appropriate procedure to be followed in requiring drivers to provide specimens of blood or urine have given rise to some difficulties in the courts and it is to the resolution of those questions that this appeal is directed .
10 Consequently , there is a nostalgia for traditional values , and it is to the socially threatened lower middle class , and to the respectable working class that the Conservative Party has made a moral appeal .
11 Great Exhibitions were an important visual argument for science and industry , and an opportunity for patriotism ; and it is to the diffusion and dissemination of science that we shall now turn .
12 The present provisions were introduced by Part IV of the Companies Act 1989 which inserted a new Part XII into the 1985 Act and it is to the 1989 interpolations that reference will be made throughout this chapter .
13 The Scottish Education Department undertook to review all of the adopted courses for FE85 approval by Mid-March and it is to the credit of Her Majesty 's Inspectorate that the task was undertaken in such a short timescale .
14 Nevertheless , as this report proves , a whole panoply of activity has been taking place on behalf of the membership and it is to the credit of our staff that we ended such a difficult year with a small surplus when other professional institutes regrettably hard large deficits .
15 No one has more expertise or knowledge of these matters , and it is to the credit of the House that he brings those qualities to bear in our debates .
16 We shall take it that their surface structure is : ( 44 ) This may at first make them seem somewhat analogous to the predicate qualifiers , except that the noun phrase beyond the mediating verb is here the subject of the clause rather than the object as with the predicate qualifiers , and it is to the entity of this noun phrase that the property of the adjective applies .
17 Some of the fastest-growing sectors of the late eighteenth-century economy , most notably cotton , owed their extra dynamism to Britain 's pre-eminence in foreign trade , and it is to the growth of overseas markets that we now turn .
18 Selling overseas is a cultural as well as an economic phenomenon , and it is to the important area of cultural influences in overseas markets that we now turn .
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