Example sentences of "and [noun pl] still [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the ancient fortresses and cities still harbour Dwarfs , but the connecting tunnels are dangerous places which even the Dwarfs use with due caution .
2 The problem , Dr Sagdeev points out , is that in some cases government ministries and departments still have control .
3 The reasons for Orchomenos ' special role were geographical : she controlled the northern plain and Thebes the southern ; and also historical : Mycenaean Orchomenos had counted for at least as much as Thebes , and Orchomenos still had pretensions to lead Boiotia in the eighth century .
4 Among them are domestic objects such as colanders , pruning hooks , needles , dice , and bowls still containing olives , barley and figs .
5 The remaining shippers , carriers and consignees still need documents or their equivalents that can act as receipts , contracts of freight and documents of title .
6 Some 700 kilometres south of Cairo , Luxor 's palaces and temples still command awe .
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