Example sentences of "and [noun pl] were [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When the natives had to pay yasak in furs and Russians were killing the dwindling stocks , or when , as in Chukotka , both sides were very short of provisions and the Russians , desperate for food , stole reindeer in large numbers , hostilities were more or less inevitable .
2 Now , faced with the Anglo-Irish accord , the three unionist leaders were again united and Paisley and Molyneaux were working the main street of Bangor to boost Kilfedder 's support .
3 It was also beginning to worry Coleman that while he and the whole NARCOG apparatus of government agents and informants were watching the Syrians , Syrian agents and probably many of the same informants were watching them .
4 Supper and entertainment followed the matches , and the speeches , recitations and songs were considered an important part of the proceedings .
5 You do in fact remember as c Councillor has said , that when Labour took over and schools were given the chance to change their minds and withdraw at least to change y to change the decision and withdraw from immediate L M S , then half of the schools chose to delay it 's introduction .
6 Magistrates and judges were given the power to release upon probation for good conduct first offenders who had committed an offence not punishable by more than three years imprisonment .
7 Already equipment and furniture were being delivered from central stores and technicians were installing a communications unit .
8 He did not wait for the servants to open the doors , but just pushed through into the entrance hall , and then into the great ballroom where a score of painters and upholsterers were finishing a long night 's work during which they had transformed the ballroom into a silk-hung fantasy .
9 Bishops and barons were to have the right to take one or two deer when passing through the royal forest .
10 Grain prices were expected to triple , and workers were to receive a temporary cash supplement in place of their grain ration at low fixed prices .
11 The place was being spotted by searchlight and bands were playing the Marseillaise .
12 In April 1945 , as the partisans and Allies were freeing the last parts of northern Italy , Mussolini was smuggled out of Milan by the Germans .
13 The body was sighted as police and coastguards were searching the coastline for a man , understood to come from Edinburgh , who had been reported missing from his home earlier this week .
14 It is reasonable , however , for Thompson to ask why such a degree of compartmentalisation of objectives should be presumed to have been the case in 1812 , when war had been largely continuous over twenty years , when trade unions were under the interdict of the Combination Acts , when the hand-loom weavers and knitters were suffering a catastrophic drop in earnings and when high food prices were producing widespread and severe hunger .
15 And viewers were given the ridiculous impression that two blokes from Sussex University , rather than Eugene Garfield , had invented citation analysis as a means of assessing quality in research .
16 It was mid-morning and many of the apprentices and stall-holders were taking a short rest , albeit some of them were already as drunk as March hares ; one group of apprentices outside The Death 's Head on the corner of Old Fish Street were indulging in a strident belching contest .
17 Although an earlier check with the weather office predicted a favourable wind for that evening , it did not materialize and conditions were to remain the same the following day when only one Spitfire was delivered by F/C Heering who had flown direct from Brize Norton .
18 The main panels on the body of the tank and some parts of the engine and wheels were given a base coat of Moody Blue highlighted up with Enchanted Blue and Skull White .
19 By the 6th , Germany had reached maximum deployment against Belgium and France , and some 550 trains carrying men and munitions were crossing the bridges of the Rhine every day .
20 VISTA made science more girl friendly in two ways : both boys and girls were offered an attractive image of a competent woman scientist , and talks concentrated on social and industrial applications of science , an element too often missing from science at school .
21 Around him the volunteer nurses and doctors were tending the sick and the dying .
22 At a time when middle class hippies , flower power , student mysticism and love-ins were getting the attention of the media , the working class youths of the skinhead movement adopted an aggressive form of behaviour , in keeping with the tough uniforms of their boots and braces .
23 Mr Eames was just getting up , convinced that juniors and upstarts were usurping the stage and it was time for him to be where the action was , when he was interrupted by the bell .
24 On the left of the hall a battery of news cameramen and reporters were recording the scene .
25 Only the young , intending teachers , and medicals were allowed the full normal course for their subject .
26 In an age when personal monarchy was the motivating force of government , and kings were straining every nerve to increase their power and authority , she provides the unique spectacle of an adult reigning monarch who did not want to reign .
27 Parents and residents were given the impression that something was going to be done and were very dismayed to find that nothing has been done yet , hence this petition .
28 Heavy snow in January and February kept other possible buyers away , and by the time the crocuses and daffodils were decking the rest of the Thrush Green gardens , Tullivers was looking at its worst .
29 Foucault notes that , at the same time as the Annales school and others were constructing a history according to the long durée , in the history of science , philosophy , and literature , attention was turning in exactly the opposite direction , that is away from vast unities towards phenomena of rupture , discontinuity , displacement and transformation , towards different temporalities as well as architectonic unities .
30 Many helped firemen remove debris and others were ferrying the injured to hospitals .
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