Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [verb] a good " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It may be age , ’ he says , ‘ but I 'm rather drawn to adversity and I like a good wash-out ; but nothing happens here except a steady loss of money .
2 The Emperor Napoleon got a good deal because France would have had to give it up sooner or later anyway , and I got a good deal because Louisiana gave me a lovely companion for life with all the legendary charms of your people . "
3 That disgusting hood you were wearing slipped , and I got a good look at the back of your head .
4 ‘ I 'm working on instinct , ’ he said thickly , ‘ but I 'm a fast learner , and I 've a good enough idea how to keep you in line .
5 " A good builder will be perfectly adequate , " Sara said , " and I know a good one in the town .
6 Designing clothes for Carnega was all very well and I made a good living at it I wo n't deny but I wanted to be free to do my own thing — and to have my own name on the labels .
7 That was very interesting and I thought a good write up of and the things that he did , there to survive the World War Two and of course I go back to when the crews were formed and we flew together training at Pyo Texas and at er Dallasburgh , Tennessee and then from there went overseas , we went to er Scotville , Illinois and picked up new planes in Petermover and it was , we went to Stagen area .
8 Sir , I , and I suspect a good number of other readers , was surprised to read some of the comments in your feature on page one of the issue dated 20 September relating to the GCR Gala Weekend of 14/15 September .
9 Zoe describes herself as ‘ a chameleon ’ ‘ I do what I like and I have a good time doing it . ’
10 ‘ So I just see myself passing through and meeting all these people along the way , like , and I have a good time .
11 ‘ At my age you do n't need much sleep by night , and I spend a good deal of time sitting by the bedroom window , smoking my pipe and watching the sea …
12 And you had a good holiday did you ?
13 And you had a good ride over the weekend as well at Bellevue ?
14 And if you were lucky , and you got a good farmer , he 'd let you take one o what we call roasters , home .
15 ‘ Merymose was not a fool ; and you made a good impression when we first met .
16 ‘ Come on , Raff , ’ she told the ginger kitten , ‘ it 's just you and me now your brothers have found good homes , and you make a good hot-water bottle . ’
17 There are no fees , and you collect a good rate of interest on the balance ; but you ca n't raise an overdraft .
18 Keep your exercises plain and simple , and you have a better chance of enjoying them , rather than looking on them as a burden .
19 There should not be too much uprooting , and you have a good chance of breeding as long as you do not overcrowd .
20 Sit it beside Donald Bennet and Bill Wallace 's Ski Mountaineering in Scotland guide and you have a good guide for every ski touring eventuality .
21 And you have a good right to be … because … ’
22 Multiply me several times and you have a good idea of the sort of coverage this author of PN 's Trivial Pursuits column and Harvey Porlock of the Sunday Times will get .
23 ‘ Your Myra sounds very capable ; she said you were ahead with your designing and you have a good stock .
24 And you have a good nephew , Yussuf .
25 If you can clearly state what your objective is what you 're trying to persuade the audience to then everything you say supports that and you stand a better chance of being persuasive .
26 Her parents would as lief have me as Humphrey , and she 'd a good deal rather . ’
27 Now , however , she had leisure to take in her surroundings , and she had a good look at an enormous house that she had barely glanced at before .
28 Derek really gave me some stick about my ‘ fan club , on the way home in the car ; he told my mum everything , and she had a good laugh , too .
29 I kept Joanna in commission , her food locker in the small cuddy where I both cooked and slept well stocked with keeping-stores , and she had a good reserve of fuel for the outboard .
30 And she had a good life , when all 's said . ’
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