Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [verb] she [art] " in BNC.

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1 There she was lying on the floor with Bonfire of the Vanities under her head and me giving her a gentle kneading — spelt with a ‘ k ’ dear — and we were getting quite absorbed when all of a sudden the door flew open and in he came .
2 And I got her a box of Black Magic so that 's her birthday present sorted out so she can eat and drink then ca n't she !
3 DAYFLOWER a strong finishing fifth in the Newmarket 1000 gns , may find conditions more to her liking at the Curragh tomorrow and I make her the selection for the Irish ‘ 1000 ’ .
4 And when the bud grew in me , and I knew her every cell as it pulsed to life ; when I felt the pliant fingernails and rip of flesh that is a mouth:then I knew this was my planet .
5 I want to say no but I do n't and I throw her a coin , aiming for her gut .
6 Last Christmas she sent me a bluetit and I sent her a robin redbreast , a bloody great Robin Redbreast .
7 She clearly felt that Joe and I caused her a lot of trouble , and she frequently complained about it .
8 Look Charlotte ca n't do anything without being messy , look , the other , the other erm morning I went to school to pick Ben up , er and I put her in the car seat , she 's lovely and clean , and I give her a biscuit , by the time we got
9 No she bought a second lo a second twenty lot of twenty and I give her the first lot back probably .
10 And I send her a red rose with the same message .
11 I pretended it was Annie 's hair we was putting on the tree , and I called her a little angel , but she got upset about that , so I stopped .
12 Her father 's conviction unhinged what precarious stability she 'd managed to maintain and after she came out of the psychiatric hospital she got in touch with me and I gave her a job .
13 We got settled down in a couple of cane chairs , and I gave her a cigarette .
14 I told her I 'd be in the Maple Leaf in Covent Garden until about nine , then down in Fulham and I gave her the address of the party and told her to ask for Louise .
15 It 's not cos she 's it , cos she 's like that you know I bought her summat , when ours were not , not very old , I did n't know what to get her and I bought her an ornament , she says oh I wish people 'd stop buying me ornaments I 've got too many , has to dust round them I thought you 'll get sod all next year
16 The lady looked modest , but said nothing , and I handed her the bag .
17 Mrs Scamp levered them on to her face and I handed her the Access card .
18 and you ask her a question
19 See , she leans over this door and reads your palm and you pays her a bit of silver , sixpence say , or a shilling , and she pops it in this little drawer just beside her .
20 She saw Margaret waiting for her outside her house and she gave her a little wave .
21 And she gave her a packet of sunflower seeds .
22 Chris Markham now teachers sixth form girls at a Wokingham School — a splendid opportunity of introducing Medau to the younger generation and we wish her every success .
23 Joan Daniels has now been appointed Honorary Treasurer of the Medau Society and we wish her the best of luck in balancing the books — figuratively speaking !
24 Well she did last year , she told us , but this year , well Paddy , Paddy bought her a book of quotations , which she , she quite liked it , but it 's not a very attractive book , and we bought her a video of The Little Mermaid which we know she wants
25 She asked the two men all about driving a steam train , and they showed her the automatic brake , and the little clock faces that told them how much steam the engine was making .
26 However when the party broke up and he offered her a lift home , she was quick to negotiate secretly with her hostess for her bike to remain unmentioned in the stairwell until she came back the next day to collect it .
27 She wrote to him and he sent her a 16mm print , together with letters 12 and 15 pages long , ‘ jammed with such an enthusiasm for movies that words ran together and the pressure he applied to the keys left the paper riddled with holes ’ .
28 But he was OK and he sent her a big kiss .
29 And on the Monday morning my dad rang the doctors and he sent her a prescription and on the Thursday he had to call him out .
30 Jenna 's cheeks flushed with embarrassment and he slanted her a look of dark-eyed amusement .
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