Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 More time should have been given to expert uncertainties and disagreements about the nature of the disease ( reviewed as recently as last October by Solomon Snyder in The Lancet .
2 To encourage Lewis in this direction , Eliot gave him to review in the next year Egyptian Mummies and Essays on the Evolution of Man by Elliot Smith , as well as Medicine , Magic and Religion by W. H. R. Rivers .
3 Once wool had declined there was no staple : brandy , wheat , fruits , oil , wine , and lead for Europe , shoes , textiles , paper , and hats for the colonies could not close the gap .
4 He sifted through junk shops for cardigans , jackets and hats for the sketches by day and pinned me into paper versions of the dresses by night .
5 In the Wimpy after 2001 we imitated the apes banging their bones on the ground with our knives and forks on the formica table .
6 Then , when the guests are drumming their knives and forks on the table with impatience , I take out my fillet and slice it into the appropriate chunks .
7 On the boat , Johnson asked about ‘ the use of the dirk , with which he imagined the Highlanders cut their meat ’ , and was told they also had knives and forks , that the men tended to hand the knives and forks to the women after they had cut their own meat which they then ate from their hands , and that one old Macdonald retainer always ate fish with his fingers , claiming that ‘ a knife and fork gave it a bad taste ’ .
8 She carried the cereal bowls and the knives and forks to the sink .
9 [ 7 ] The survival of documents has always and substantially will still depend upon the needs and compulsions of the document creators , as well as upon the survival of the organizations that guard these documents .
10 As time passes this new life will change and itself be superseded , requiring a re-ordering of the couple 's partnership and reformings in the family group .
11 Some Conservatives also suspected that the welfare ethic — by removing the risks and disciplines of the market , providing a cushion for failures , and undermining incentives for the ambitious — weakened enterprise .
12 Brennan adapted the capital asset pricing model to try to gauge the effects of dividends and taxes on the returns to shareholders : where .
13 By levying tolls and taxes on the traders , the owner of the fair could make a handsome profit .
14 Ordinary friendships and activities outside the marriage can also cause tension if they take no account of marital commitments , as another young woman found out :
15 This is an attempt to bring together the annual budgetary process with the policy planning process by linking the analysis of objectives and activities with the outputs of the authority .
16 Block loans through the public library service will have an important part to play , and it will be advantageous to both sides if the teachers have provided a detailed breakdown of likely sub-themes and activities for the library staff to use ( although their own examination of stock may throw up additional possibilities which could be suggested ) .
17 A full house in the parish hall of the new church of St Peter and St Paul , Wakefield raised £375 to provide further facilities and activities for the youth of the parish .
18 She arranged games and activities for the guests , claiming her two jobs were just about identical , except that her kindergarten children were more mature .
19 We need now to turn our attention to existing exercises and activities for the language learner , and to assess the degree to which , by taking discoursal factors into account , they can help to develop effective communication .
20 In view of this special relationship between the state and the distribution of power within a society , it would be very surprising if political sociologists were not interested in the claims and activities of the state .
21 Discussion regarding a proposed merger with another Examinations Board dominated the plans and activities of the Board and its Trustees during the year .
22 The recommendations of the Commission were not entirely adopted , but they did have an impact on the Budget and Accounting Procedures Act 1950 , which provided for a federal budget based on the functions and activities of the government .
23 Attention was focused overwhelmingly on the political and ideological antecedents of the revolution , on the ideas and activities of the government and the liberal , moderate socialist and Bolshevik parties , rather than on social and economic developments .
24 Moreover having gone as far as this I do not believe that it would be possible for me to hold the line and refuse to answer any further questions about the composition and activities of the Committees .
25 It follows that the nature of jewellery is bound to reflect in some measure the structure and activities of the society in which it was current .
26 In terms of the distribution and activities of the population , it is predominantly English , nonagricultural , and town- or suburban-based .
27 In his books on folk life — A Wiltshire Village ( 1912 ) , Villages of the White Horse ( 1913 ) , Round about the Upper Thames ( 1922 ) , Folk-Songs of the Upper Thames ( 1923 ) , and The Banks of Isis , serialized in the North Berkshire Herald in 1925 — he left , as he had hoped to do , ‘ a permanent record of the language and activities of the district in which I find myself ’ .
28 Third , he or she will have to deal with questions from members of Parliament about the policies and activities of the department .
29 This involves either going through the transcript with the child 's caretakers and inviting comments and interpretations on specific utterances , or playing the recording back and making detailed notes about movements and activities of the participants during the recording period .
30 They are organised and led by the people and , although a religious leader is present to offer assistance , the nature and activities of the group are decided by the members .
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