Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [verb] [noun sg] from " in BNC.

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1 The crew salvaged some food and had a barbecue on which they grilled fish and birds using timber from the boat .
2 Celebrations include a hymns and psalms flower festival from June 26 to 28 , with a preview next Thursday attended by the Mayor and Mayoress of Stockton ; a concert by pupils of Our Lady and St Bede School on Sunday , June 28 ; a concert by St Mary 's Sixth Form College , Middlesbrough , on Tuesday , June 30 , at 7.30pm and a performance by Teesside Appollo Male Voice Choir on Thursday , July 9 .
3 When stored , roots and potatoes need protection from frost , waterlogging , and farm animals .
4 These were both well attended given the bleakness of the evening and participants gained encouragement from them .
5 It is encouraging that the primary visual areas of both rats and monkeys receive input from the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus but we should be aware of some circularity here since one of the criteria used for saying that the lateral geniculate nuclei in the two groups are homologous is that they both project to primary visual cortex !
6 But then short-term interest rates rose unexpectedly , and customers shifted money from low-interest savings accounts to high-interest deposit accounts .
7 In the appeal 's first year , locals , family and friends raised money from marathons , sponsored walks , swims and jumble sales .
8 None of these articles referred to the activities of the Parents ' Rights Group , to the joblessness and homelessness that had caused lesbians and gays to seek support from councils in the first place , to the findings of the Gay Teenage Group survey about the intimidation and isolation of lesbian and gay teenagers in state schools , to the menace of fundamentalism — or to any other feature of our oppression .
9 When the psychologist Donald Griffin describes the ability of great tits and chickadees to obtain milk from bottles by ‘ pecking through their shiny coverings with the conscious intention of obtaining food ’ ( 1984 : 35 ) , it is obvious that were he not talking of a ‘ conscious intention ’ , in the normal human acceptation of the phrase , he would fail to arouse the average reader 's curiosity and sympathies .
10 Long hair , in contrast , shows rejection of authority and is the preferred hair-style of rebels and revolutionaries the world over , of woolly-haired intellectuals , hippies , and others seeking freedom from traditional constraints and a world of exciting new potentialities .
11 Prompted by the Government 's blind-eye approach to the sex trade , a pilot project aims to ‘ discourage dark-corner behaviour among men and women to stop AIDS from spreading ’ , as project co-ordinator Alice Munalula explained .
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