Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [verb] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 The concept of a profession is , as we have seen , based upon claims to specialised knowledge and skills developed over time through training .
2 He ensures that deliveries are punctual and accounts paid on time .
3 Problems of classification remain especially with poets whose circumstances and allegiances changed over time .
4 The embarrassing scenes he makes in New York 's suburban streets and supermarkets seem at times more real than the enormities of his nightmare past .
5 Such matches and mismatches change over time , and so therefore does the use of the argument , and subjects which were previously regarded as vocational even if only in relation to a teaching career — are now justified on general grounds .
6 The analysis and valuation of a claim often requires a very thorough knowledge of labour , plant and materials use with time .
7 Details and prices correct at time of going to press .
8 An evening with a breeze ; I could see movement in the bracken that edged the track , and cloud-shadows moved from time to time over the sea-pinks .
9 But doctors and nurses do from time to time brush aside the protests of aged , dying or mentally affected patients .
10 all languages and dialects change over time ;
11 Why have penal ideas and practices altered over time in the West in the ways described in the ‘ Schools of Penal Thought ’ section of the previous chapter ?
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