Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the creation in June 1990 of the right-wing Union for France ( Union pour la France — UPF ) a " confederation " of the UDF and the RPR [ see pp. 37683-84 ] , divisions and disagreements continued on the political right wing .
2 There will also be conflicts and disagreements arising from the organisation itself which will result from a number of factors .
3 Some have seen the RPF as a twentieth century expression of Bonapartism — the tradition of a providential leader appealing to men and women of all classes and ideologies to unite in the interests of an orderly state and national greatness .
4 Everything , then , will depend upon the guidance and circulars produced by the Department of Education and Science , i.e. upon the way in which the Act is interpreted by the department and implemented at local level .
5 Three particular classes of activities have been identified as the most common source of signals : intention movements , displacement activities , and activities controlled by the autonomic nervous system .
6 ‘ If it had not been for the difficulties and bruises caused by the recession , I have no doubt there would be an increased majority for the Conservative Party , ’ he said .
7 They will certainly leave the Centre much fitter than When they arrived , but not without a few bumps and bruises sustained along the way .
8 But two days later he was on duty , coloured bright orange from iodine on cuts and bruises got at the elections which he had attended in the Jlulat interest .
9 Precious robes were distributed to guests , and paan and sweetmeats offered to the attendant nobility .
10 Much the most prominent in the archaeological record were ivory and shells , and it was mainly from these that the bracelets , necklaces and pendants buried with the dead were made .
11 They are designed to be portable and enable herdsmen and hunters to move around the countryside in search of new pastures for their camels , sheep and yak .
12 The water is dirty with unsightly debris along the banks but swans do not seem to be deterred and ropes hanging from the freight railway bridge downstream show that local children swim in the river .
13 It deals with all chromatographic terms and definitions used in the major chromatographic techniques such as gas , liquid and supercritical fluid chromatography , column and planar chromatography , partition , adsorption , ion exchange and exclusion chromatography .
14 Kirsty could convince any kid that goblins and fairies reside in the bottom of the garden , no problem .
15 Her love and zest for life comes out in her unique correspondence and notes made during the momentous first east-west crossing of the Atlantic of the Graf Zeppelin LZ.127 .
16 She found him sitting up in bed , a score of his medical texts and notes scattered across the heavy coverlet .
17 The bamboo leaves bending low over the road whisked us as we passed and birds called in the mango groves .
18 But as mid-day approaches , it becomes so hot that the lizards and birds retreat into the shade wherever they can find it .
19 To argue , therefore , that changes in newspapers — in their content , style , readership , etc. — may be undesirable ( e.g. ‘ deradicalization ’ , ‘ depoliticization ’ ) is to confuse that which one may desire ( and which may be socially desirable ) with the actual and real choices which individuals and groups make in the market-place .
20 More than a dozen letters have been sent to Mr Fallon by disabled individuals and groups worried about the parking ban .
21 A temporary ceasefire between the currently ruling United Somali Congress ( USC ) and groups operating in the south was announced after talks in the southern port of Kismayu on April 2-4 .
22 In a secret interview before his capture Abenina claimed that he had brought together the forces of Gregorio " Gringo " Honasan , the officer cashiered for his part in an earlier coup attempt in 1987 , and groups led by a Marcos loyalist , Brig. -Gen .
23 Then groups co-operated in a trial of certain approaches to study skills teaching , and groups collaborated in a closer examination of the problems students find and possible solutions which might be offered .
24 There are useful ‘ orbats ’ ; a good selection of photos includes portraits , museum exhibits , contemporary diagrammatic drawings of wagons , artillery pieces , Gatlings ; and groups taken at the time .
25 These groups have transformed the process of policy-making from rather closed networks of autonomous groups composed of members of the legislature , the executive and groups associated with the iron triangle' imagery ( referring to a stable set of relationships between a small number of powerful groups , federal agencies and Congressional committees ) to a fluid set of issue networks ' , in which ‘ a large number of participants with quite variable degrees of mutual commitment … move in and out of the networks constantly ’ .
26 Civil society is at the centre of this web of inter-relationships , comprising : the sphere of circulation , in which people and groups contest in the ‘ market place ’ ; the sphere of reproduction , in which social groups — classes-in-struggle compete to promote their economic , biological and political reproduction ; and the popular democratic forces , through which much of the struggle within civil society is organised .
27 They were touting for trade , crying out ‘ Want some business ? ’ or ‘ Want some love ? ’ at the men and groups walking through the fog .
28 During a reportedly stormy first plenary session of the CNU on Feb. 9 , the NSF agreed to opposition demands that more seats be created for new parties and groups established since the Feb. 1 agreement .
29 The term ‘ hall ’ includes all the rectangular timber buildings whose only remains are the postholes and beam-slots dug into the subsoil .
30 The country is pleasantly undulating around here , and it reminds me a bit of Italy , with the hot sunshine , and the little red-roofed farms and houses dotted over the country .
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