Example sentences of "and [adj] and [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The corners of the mouth may be cracked and sore and the tongue unusually red .
2 So Peter Yeo had to look reassuring and solid and a bit older , while Timothy Hutton could probably have come to work in striped organza without losing a single client .
3 The perfect evening would be sometime in August when the heat of the summer is distilled and concentrated and the ground in the pine forests has become brown and crackly , the tarmac on the roads quite soft .
4 Should the nobility refuse to cooperate , the monarchy would be left high and dry and the monarch himself would be unlikely to survive .
5 Kennel floors should be free of crevices and dry and the bedding should be disposed of daily .
6 When any seeds arrive from him I will take the first opportunity of sending you a share and in return shall trouble you for some Northern and Welsh plants which I hope we shall make proper conveniency to receive into our Garden in a short time ; for several of those which you were so good as to furnish me with a few years since are lost for want of proper soil and situation , the natural earth of our Garden being too light and dry and the bottom too warm .
7 When the atmosphere is hot and dry and the humidity low , skin also gets dehydrated .
8 Its body was hot and dry and the coat had lost its black lustre , so it stood up on end , pale brown and rumpled .
9 Huge and insidious and the Pope is behind it all .
10 The total work force equals 150 , it was noted that the workers all looked rather miserable and depressed and the working atmosphere was not at all pleasant .
11 She felt humiliated and depressed and the fact that Joanna and Ian seemed so close did nothing to lift her spirits .
12 An argument apparently broke out during these talks , and fierce fighting ensued in which Doe was shot and wounded and a total of 64 men , mostly from Doe 's contingent , were believed to have been killed .
13 I was a bit dubious at first , but I was hot and sticky and the water looked tempting .
14 John Burns takes up the story : ‘ The green is long and narrow and the approach shot has to be perfect .
15 I do n't want to see I I deeply deplore the divisions between left and right and the accentuation of often very phoney distinctions and mislabelling that goes on .
16 Shrewsbury , the Sorbonne and Pembroke College , Oxford , enabled me , or so I thought , to pass for white , although of my grandfathers one had been a railwayman on the London and Northwestern and the other a clerk in Bristol Gas Works .
17 The High Court ruled the closure plan unlawful and irrational and the Employment Select Committee slammed the government 's actions unacceptable .
18 But the day before it was cold and breezy and the day after it rained .
19 When I went to see the family , the mother was very rational and calm and the girl told me : ‘ there must be millions like me , Mrs Kazi .
20 The air was bright and clear and the sea was almost completely flat .
21 The bars of Victoria 's cot were black and menacing and the line of light under the door from the landing was a brilliant pencil which might at any moment rear up and scrawl ‘ She is not normall ’ lambently on the wall .
22 So in he went , bravely enough , thinking all the time of the thickness of rock and peat and earth over his head , and the air in that place was chill and damp and the ground underfoot was moist and sodden .
23 The study , Her Share of Misfortune , is published by ASH Working Group on Women and Smoking and the Cancer Research Campaign .
24 There was a long delay between the pupils ' arrival and the commencement of the displays and chanting , during which Miss Cackle and the teachers greeted friends and acquaintances , and the girls all stood to attention , being neat and well-behaved and a credit to the school .
25 He was a fellow Scot and alcoholic and the union was born more out of desperation than love .
26 It was heartfelt and deep , but Theo should not run off with the idea that it was all laughter and light and the cooing of turtle doves .
27 Besides , they were cold and wet and the burrow , while it would n't have sounded a very comfortable proposition back at the quarry , was suddenly much better than the horrible night outside .
28 Not many lives ago there were public hangings in this country and people certainly thought it was their right to watch and enjoy in fact , they even paid for seats to see public hangings , if they could afford to and as Mr has pointed out , er it 's not long ago er that bear baiting and badger baiting and cock fighting were seen as right and proper and no doubt spoken of as rights of free born Englishmen .
29 Well , we did n't draw the short-straw but the weather was cold and windy and the course was playing long and tricky .
30 I enjoyed all the workshops very much , because the knitters were keen and interested and a delight to teach .
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