Example sentences of "and [art] [adj -er] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At the AAAS meeting , he described his efforts to separate music into its components : the methodical , mechanical parts which suit a computer , and the subtler qualities through which a musician struggles to express his soul .
2 A study in the October edition of Economic Policy shows that there is a remarkable correlation between huge national debts and the purer forms of proportional representation .
3 The extended hours of eligibility and the greater rewards for general practitioners who make their own night visits readily explain these changes in activity .
4 We live in the moment and the greater cycles of nature span periods too vast for us to contemplate .
5 Some two years later , however , the old ruling group recovered control , election by wards was restored , and the greater men in each were again able to dominate affairs .
6 Korean government was dominated by court circles and the greater landowners until the demise of the Yi dynasty .
7 The main regions involved are mid-Wales , the Lake District and the remoter areas of the Pennines , the Scottish Highlands and some parts of the South West peninsula , although many lowland areas also lost population until comparatively recently .
8 Supporting cast DJ Renegade and secondary shouter Blue Eyes provide hardy back-up ; previous single ‘ Mind Of An Ordinary Citizen ’ , the breakneck ‘ Forward ’ and a dangerous tear through manifesto track ‘ Survival Of The Hardest Working ’ to close , are the muscular set 's highlights , and the moment where Blade gets our own Chris Hughes onstage to photograph him with his fans is cute — QED , this jolly , gentle , reassuringly chubby little geezer does not need to pander to the male hormones and the baser instincts of his audience to get noticed .
9 At each stage there was to be a reshuffle of cars in depôts , so that the worst cars in the fleet were scrapped first and the better cars from a depôt closing were moved to another one .
10 Polish nationalism , as Rosa Luxemburg pointed out to Lenin on several occasions , was unusual in that it was not primarily a bourgeois phenomenon , but rather a substitute for ideology taken over from the szlachta by the Polish peasantry as they and the lower ranks of the gentry coalesced to form an industrial working class and a commercial bourgeoisie.14 An important component of Polish political life , and part of the damage wrought by partition , was the continuing failure to produce an ideology that went beyond the purely national to link the aspiration to exist as an independent nation with either capitalist organisation or a socialist vision of society .
11 The acts were concerned with the regulation of the sexual and moral habits of two particular groups within the urban poor — female prostitutes and the lower ranks of the armed forces .
12 After the fall of the Lincoln tower , the rebuilding of the crossing and the lower stages of the new tower were directed by Alexander , with the Gothic lateral turrets and upper part of the enlarged west front .
13 Assume there are a million retired British living abroad , enjoying the sun and the lower taxes of a grateful foreign country ; assume also that on average such a family spends £25,000 on house , furnishing , car , and so on , in order to become established abroad .
14 The school was divided into Upper and Lower boys , and the Lower boys in each house fagged for members of the Library : they cooked their tea , ran errands for them , being sent perhaps as far as Windsor to fetch a cake from Fuller 's teashop , and they had to come at once when someone in the Library shouted " Boy ! " , the last arrival being given the job .
15 For some this reveals itself as a conflict between the top and the lower tiers of the organization , between strategy making and local autonomy .
16 Put a drop of cooking oil in the dish and use your finger to smear it over the bottom and the lower areas of the sides .
17 But despite the risks , for a man of ambition and determination the reward was ample ; for a prévôté might bridge the gap between the upper peasantry and the lower echelons of the aristocracy .
18 Once this had been achieved they could campaign more openly for a united Ireland on the basis of uniting Catholic and Protestant workers , small farmers and the lower rungs of the business community for an independent , democratic , united and self-sufficient Irish Republic .
19 Its range extends from Colombia , all along the eastern coast of South America in shallow coastal waters , to around Santos in and throughout the Amazon River and the lower parts of its tributaries .
20 However , too much is made of the distinction between official policies and the lower levels of an organization , and the rotten-apple argument largely misses the point .
21 Worn flagstones and an oblong of sodden grass surrounded by grey-stoned walls , leaded windows and the lower treads of spiral stairs glimpsed through open doorways was all that some would have seen .
22 Chest x ray showed densities in the right middle and the lower lobes of the lung ( Fig 1 ) .
23 Light : Moderate but not too strong light and the shadier areas of the tank should be chosen .
24 There 's always been something missing from ICL 's product lineup — a decent range of low-end machines to compete with the boxshifters and the cheaper ranges from the likes of IBM , Compaq , Elonex , Viglen and Dell .
25 But the scales down Fenna 's tail grew gradually smaller and smaller , the darker shades of his back and the paler shades of his underside blending together , and at the very tip , small as a child 's thumb , they were minute and a shade that , when she tried to match it to paint sample cards was usually called eau de nil .
26 The faster machine is expandable up to 144Mb of RAM , and the slower copes with up to 136Mb .
27 As usual the Kaszubes were piggy-in-the-middle and found their sales restricted almost entirely to local markets and the bigger markets in Danzig , Oliva and Zoppot .
28 — there is often a relation between the way in which a phenomenon is defined and the wider concerns of the analysis , the questions to be asked
29 It is therefore encouraging to note that the Tourism and Recreation Unit at Edinburgh University will investigate the effects which the aims and objectives of National Parks have on the life and economy of rural communities and the wider benefits of these parks .
30 The need for a scientifically aware community and the wider implications for science at a national and international level is recognised and the matrix will allow for future needs to be readily incorporated .
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