Example sentences of "and [art] [adj] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , one section of the course is timed , and the fastest time over this part determines the winner in the event of equality of penalties .
2 It was the fourth rise in German interest rates this year and the first time for several years that they have risen by a full percentage point .
3 Base rate was on Sept. 22 further reduced to 9 per cent ( its lowest level since mid-1988 and the first time since 1981 that it stood below the German Lombard rate ) .
4 and the first time by
5 It was the first personal bequest she had ever received , and the first time in years that she had cried .
6 ‘ Twice for a whole day and the other times for two hours each .
7 He produced a general landform equation in which landform ( LF ) could be viewed as a function of geologic material ( m ) ; rate of change of geological material , structural factor ( dm/at ) ; rate of erosion ( de/dt ) ; the rate of uplift ( du/dt ) ; and the total time of duration of the process ( t ) in the form LF = , and he then proposed expressions for an erosion factor ( de/dt ) .
8 Ninety per cent of people in residential care in Newcastle are on income support and the average time to death or discharge in residential care is three years , so his department will be picking up the whole burden by the third year .
9 Since it was intended to examine the ability of the normal book-provision system to cope with varying levels of demand by noting the relationship , if any , between the number of requests submitted in any one period and the average time for straightforward deliveries of ‘ ordinary ’ books from the Main Building within that period , requests for early or rare items , most of which are not supplied through the normal book-fetching channels , were excluded .
10 And the average time off l fifteen members of staff is fifteen times two hundred and twenty two
11 The large size of the Cabinet ; the increased activity of the state ; and the limited time for " efficient " Cabinet debate , all serve to encourage the Prime Minister to by-pass the Cabinet in favour of informal talks with individual ministers and a keen reliance upon an inner Cabinet of particularly trusted and sympathetic colleagues .
12 Reviews in the early 1980s called for reactivation of research to establish the optimal positioning of the newborn infant and the optimal time for umbilical cord clamping at preterm deliveries .
13 He was married twice : the first time in 1739 to Anne Bayne , who died tragically in childbirth four years later , and the second time to Margaret Lindsay with whom he eloped in 1752 in highly romantic circumstances .
14 And the second time in Norfolk you took a bullet in the right shoulder and only got away by the skin of your teeth , leaving Kurt Steiner behind . ’
15 The US administration on Oct. 11 , 1989 , formally notified Congress of its intention to sell to Saudi Arabia 315 M1-A1 battlefield tanks at a cost variously reported as between US$700 million and $3,000 million , and the Financial Times of Oct. 3 reported that Saudi Arabia , which was seeking to purchase a total of some 600 tanks to replace its current ageing fleet , was " close to signing a deal " with a Brazilian defence contractor , Engesa , for the acquisition of 300 light weight Osorio tanks .
16 ( The July OPEC production ceiling , set at a total of just under 22,500,000 barrels per day ( bpd ) , had been suspended since late August — see p. 37641 — and the Financial Times of Dec. 14 estimated that current overall OPEC output was 400,000 bpd above the ceiling , despite the loss of 4,300,000 bpd of Iraqi and Kuwaiti exports . )
17 East India Dock is now er , virtually fully utilized printing the Basildon papers in the daytime and the Financial Times at night and the Observer on Saturday night and we 've got high hopes of getting the contract to print the Japanese er , European edition of the Japanese daily and that , that will fill the morning slot so that really will be er , great utilization of , of that er installation .
18 It started with a beat and took Edinburgh and the Financial Times by storm … ‘ basic , profound , thrilling musical instinct . ’
19 Bedworth , of North Parade , Ilkley , West Yorkshire , was said to have hacked into databases at the European Community 's offices in Luxembourg and the Financial Times in London , ‘ for kicks ’ .
20 The mean times to ulcer healing were calculated for patients exposed to different risk factors , and the combined effects of the clinically relevant risk factors were assessed by calculating the two , four , and eight week healing rates and the mean times to healing in the presence of increasing numbers of risk factors .
21 The effect of these factors was cumulative in that the proportion of patients unhealed at each time point and the mean time to healing increased progressively with the number of risk factors to which the patient was exposed .
22 Distribution was timed for January ‘ because Christmas is over then , people are back on the streets , and the coldest time of the year is starting ’ .
23 CORONER 'S REPORT , SECTION 224 : Lepine was seen on the campus at least ten times before December 6 : in September at the student co-op , then three times the next month in the Polytechnic building , in November at the administrative building , and four times in the first week of December , and the last time in the cafeteria on the ground floor .
24 Here again two conflicting conventions grew up and were in use at one and the same time in the medieval England of the eleventh and twelfth centuries .
25 Application for a pre-hearing assessment can be made by letter , and the obvious time for an employer to request such a hearing is when returning the Notice of Appearance .
26 Dunvant6 Swansea14 SWANSEA reached the Schweppes Cup semi-finals for the third successive season and the 10th time in all as they battled home against their Second Division League neighbours .
27 Although it was morning and the quietest time of the day the air was already pungent with the smell of curry and spices , reminding Massingham that it was some hours since breakfast and that there was no certainty when he would get his lunch .
28 It is powered by a fuel-injected , 3.0-litre V6 engine which , if Nissan 's figures are correct , give it a top speed of 156mph and a 0-60mph time of 5.6 seconds .
29 And a long time till dawn .
30 Under the Purnells ' control , this was a busy and a profitable time in the history of Fromebridge ; however , around the beginning of the l9th century , the company ran into problems .
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