Example sentences of "and [art] [noun] [vb past] down " in BNC.

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1 The boy threw the sticky grain up into the air and the pigeons swooped down after it .
2 Well , the two bumped into each other and the child fell down .
3 She screamed wildly , and the piddle poured down her throat .
4 She had talked of a sex scene when she was on Wogan , but he assumed it would be something more romantic — a magnolia bud of a tit peeping from beneath bed linen as she held out her arms to her lover and the lights went down at the end of the play .
5 ‘ Barmen all over the world acquired a fair percentage of my money , ’ Jimmy regrets ‘ And the rest went down the plughole with various business ventures . ’
6 They went back for chairs and then the laird , the factor , and the minister sat down weightily , like judges .
7 Sit down , she said and the girls sat down thankfully feeling that the only lesson they really enjoy that weather would be swimming lesson .
8 By midday the Common had been turned over with meticulous care , the pools dragged and the frogmen sent down .
9 This meant testing had to be done frequently and the waters closed down as a precaution once the blooms appeared .
10 For the CNAA itself there was also the problem of the transitional situation in which the new BEd degree would run in parallel with the existing certificate courses , and the Committee laid down that ‘ the new BEd must be established as an award of degree standard , distinct from the Certificate course which it is intended to replace ’ .
11 On the first day , Wisting 's sledge suddenly stopped , and the back went down .
12 And when you wanted to buy something like a three piece suite , you went to somewhere like Bentalls and they took you into a little room , soon as you said to the man well I want to buy this on hire purchase and you went in to a little room and the man sat down and you filled in a long form .
13 He wisely asked for the downward transition after a circuit and the mare came down to trot , threw her head up briefly and then rounded again .
14 The man and the crocodile settled down to watch the film , then during the interval , the crocodile got up to go to the toilet .
15 I took a sip and the warmth went down inside me .
16 Various groups broadly sympathetic to the LTTE , which had formed the EDF alliance [ see parties above ] and won 13 parliamentary seats in the 1990 elections , boycotted parliament after a ceasefire between the government and the LTTE broke down in mid-1990 .
17 There was a flogging and the incident died down .
18 Then my Cid alighted when he had said this , and the ladies knelt down before him , and kissed his hand , and wished him long life .
19 Two wyverns fell on the same night and after the Emperor 's death the aerial attacks gradually subsided and the siege settled down into a protracted stalemate .
20 Again , the system could produce a cosy relationship in which no one was challenged and everyone was entertained : one writer recalled that ‘ there was certainty in the pews and certainty in the pulpit , and the pews settled down snugly to hear the champion declaim his variations , so to speak , on a classically familiar theme ’ .
21 At Gebe/ Serag the cultivation on the east bank disappeared altogether and the desert came down to the river , leaving only the railway line and a few scrubby bushes clinging to the water 's edge .
22 On Free movement of persons , immigration and asylum the European Council " noted the reports on immigration and asylum drawn up … by the ministers responsible … [ and ] agreed on the programme of work and the timetables laid down " .
23 Kāli and Jit moved out of the way of the back staircase and the sheep flooded down past them .
24 In every village , it seemed , a donkey circled its trough of crushed olives , and the press thudded down , helped by many brown arms , as the mash yielded its oozings through wicker .
25 My oil lamp — and the curtains pulled down and all my glasses smashed and my clothes torn in shreds and — ’ She broke down again into incoherence .
26 The City party had left Coventry on the two o'clock train , which was cheaper than the earlier ones but allowed no room for delay — and the engine broke down during the journey .
27 And the water hammered down , and washed her and washed her , and why was it taking so long to make her clean ?
28 Eventually the bridge opened , both boats passed and the water settled down .
29 Nutty practised the crawl in her bath and the water dripped down the light cord in the dining-room below and collected in the glass bowl-shaped shade .
30 He virtually threw me on the delivery bed and the midwife yanked down my trousers — and there was the baby , with his head and a hand out , gazing at us .
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