Example sentences of "and [art] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Most beginners will find it difficult to apply the opposite rudder , because of their ingrained habit of using the stick and the rudder in co-ordination .
2 Eventually the attaché case and the slip of paper were retrieved from Colonel Bowers and taken to the rear seat of one of the cars .
3 But the overall Australian performance contained a number of false notes , and Messrs Sawle , Benaud ( J. ) , Higgs and Simpson extended themselves by dropping two from the squad , the doughty vice-captain Marsh and the toast of cricket a year ago , Mark Waugh .
4 In this way , the period between the pulses is the same as that of the clock while the actual pulse width is fixed by the charge rate of capacitor C9 and the voltage on control pin 5 .
5 Since there will be virtually no current flowing through R4 , there will be virtually no voltage drop across it and the voltage at pin 2 will be equal to that at pin 6 .
6 The comedy in ‘ Hamlet ’ comes mainly from the scenes involving Hamlet 's mockery of the foolish Polonius ; and the gravediggers in Act V , Scene I. These scenes do indeed provide comic relief for the audience ; but they also show the way in which Hamlet vents his feelings ( Polonius ) and the fragility of life ( Gravediggers ) .
7 The work of Pawson Williams Architects exploring ideas on composition and the fragility of modernism in the city , at the Blanc de Bierges Gallery , Business Design Centre , Islington , London N1 .
8 And Grainne , who had her own might-have-beens , understood , and tried to make her stories of the Bright Palace interesting and amusing , and tried to minimise the rigours and the heartaches of exile on Innisfree .
9 For Rees , macho characteristics comprise ‘ guts rather than integrity ’ and the portrayal of violence as an admirable personal quality .
10 Lyddy thought of the basket that had been ordered filled with mince pies and a cold chicken , and chestnuts and oranges and the decanter of port , to Penman 's misery , carefully wrapped in napkins .
11 Catchpool ( known to his friends as ‘ Jack ’ and to his colleagues as ‘ Catch ’ ) combined in his personality the innocent enthusiasm of a child and the tenacity of purpose of a mature and deeply spiritual man , enlivened by a puckish sense of humour .
12 Their interpretation lacked soul , the dying fall of nostalgia and the abandon of passion being supplanted by a more relaxed air of complicity .
13 It is necessary , at this third stage , to define the way in which staff are to be involved and the time-scale for collection .
14 Even with the devoted and skilful help of Tom Jones , these excursions into literature and the borderlands of philosophy cut heavily into his working days .
15 The following year the Baptists rejoiced in the American victory and recorded the ‘ confident hope that henceforth America and Britain will alike and together , in every part of the world , be the friends of the oppressed and down-trodden , the champions of civil and religious freedom , and the promoters of righteousness and peace . ’
16 And the tightness of product markets is out of union control .
17 For Westerners the sense of shame and embarrassment has become strongly associated with nakedness and the proprieties of dress and attitudes towards nudity ( especially among conventional Protestants ) .
18 He leaned into it and the fielder at midwicket could only turn and jog after it all the way to the boundary .
19 and the breaking of day in the
20 ‘ There is no reason why we should n't finish , ’ said the affable driving instructor from Magdeburg , who is trying to cross the Atlantic in a rowing boat and the Statue of Liberty is not far off .
21 In response to the introduction of the local management of schools the LEA organized a series of measures to train and inform governors on such topics as the appointment of staff , provision for children with special educational needs , and the formulation of school policy on discipline , equal opportunities , child protection and a number of other matters .
22 Of far more significance to the war itself , however , was the political price represented by acceptance of Communist leverage within Republican Spain , and all that this proved to carry with it : interference in the composition of cabinets and the formulation of strategy ; the reversal of social revolution ; the persecution of political enemies ; and the steadily declining popular morale .
23 A third disability lay in her constitution : Sparta had no satisfactory apparatus for decision-making and the formulation of strategy .
24 the stimulation of relevant research and the formulation of research guidelines ; and
25 The children have grown to accept the sooty-faced character with the icicle depending from his nose and the drum of oil as some weird kind of minstrel , and it 's probably just as well . ’
26 In Sections 4.4 and 4.7 we described the way in which schools set about spending their project grants and the key role played by the DCSLs in advising schools on the " weeding " of existing stock , the range of available books and materials , and the mechanics of ordering , cataloguing and shelving their acquisitions .
27 1980 ) , the connection between everyday thought and the mechanics of capitalism would have to be demonstrated .
28 Generally speaking , DCSLs advised on availability , choice and the mechanics of acquisition , down to and including the precise way in which order forms were to be completed , but in at least one case the DCSL involved herself more fully in the policy-making deliberations of the school library committee .
29 But the treatment usually consists in trying to help the alienated patient to come to terms with his situation , which means accepting his position in society and the norms of conduct he finds so disturbing .
30 She collapsed onto a stool and laid her head down among the bits of cotton wool and the sticks of greasepaint .
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