Example sentences of "and [prep] the [adj] year " in BNC.

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1 During its period of construction , and for the five years until its dramatic destruction , it drew crowds of curious sightseers to the Rame Peninsular and to every other viewpoint .
2 There were also teams from America , Australia , France , Germany , Switzerland , and Spain , and for the second year there was a team of exceptionally courageous British disabled skiers led by Mr Mike Hammond and Miss Sue Hatch .
3 The competition was held among pupils at Drymen Primary School , and for the second year running was sponsored by the Royal Bank Branch in the town .
4 The allowance is given from the date of bereavement to the end of that tax year , and for the following year so long as she has not remarried by the start of that year .
5 Library membership runs from July 1st of year 1 to December 31st of year 2 and for the 1993/94 year costs £75 .
6 In 1986 he became general manager for a private sector group 's residential and nursing homes and for the past year has been connected with the Bridge Hospital in Witham , involved with people with learning disabilities .
7 IBM , which had revenues of $60bn and profits of $6bn last year , shook Wall Street last week by warning that earnings forecasts for the third quarter and for the whole year would fall significantly below expectations .
8 Listening to the news through a set of headphones is at the core of the work and for the last year there has been monitoring of television broadcasts by satellite .
9 His wife died in 1902 and for the twenty years of his retirement he lived in hotels .
10 It pushes back , to a disconcertingly early period in Pound 's life , the first signs of that aridity , that closing of the doors of perception , which — drastically arrested and reversed though it was , at Pisa and through the first years at St Elizabeth 's — reasserted itself and wreaked the desolation of Thrones .
11 It was a Stavanger tradition to finance their ships by careful management and frugal living for themselves , and through the difficult years between the wars , the firm had never had an overdraft .
12 Picasso was also throughout his life astonishingly prolific and during the Cubist years produced between three and four times as many works as Braque .
13 The impending introduction of the National Curriculum imposed a new demand towards the end of the four-year period , and during the final year 1,813 teacher-days were spent preparing teachers for their new responsibilities .
14 Two European physicists , working in Britain , were able , in 1940 , to establish that isotope 235 of uranium could be separated industrially , and during the following year , the Maud Committee reported that an atomic bomb was possible .
15 Bubonic plague struck London again with devastating effect in 1665 and during the following year even penetrated the Peak District at remote Eyam , but then it mysteriously disappeared .
16 Later , in the autumn of 1912 , Picasso moved to Montparnasse , and during the following years the differences in their work began to become apparent , but the same friendly relations were maintained .
17 It was now ten years since he had died , and during the first year she had herself pushed the handcart out almost every day for , except for young Ben , she was on her own .
18 Macmillan showered political honours on his backbenchers like confetti , and during the thirteen years of Conservative government which ended in 1964 over two hundred MPs , one third of all those who sat on the Tory benches , were rewarded with some sort of gong .
19 In 1855 he took his first party abroad to the Paris Exhibition and during the same year organized and led a Grand Circular Tour of Antwerp , Brussels , Waterloo , Cologne , Frankfurt , Heidelberg , Baden Baden and Paris .
20 In 1913 , the Royal Flying Corps had 8 biplanes at Gailes and during the same year an airship was seen over the county for the first time .
21 I 'm a lawyer , and during the past year , I 've been teaching law in Southern California .
22 Is not it crystal clear that the Government are willingly in collusion with those stores that are using salami tactics bit by bit — before Christmas , between Christmas and the new year and after the new year — and which so handsomely contribute to Conservative party funds ?
23 Fontana et al showed that in the first three years of life 97% of helthy children had at least one vowel movement every other day and after the third year , 95% of the children had this pattern .
24 When the meter man came for the last time he spoke of my aunt , and of the many years he had been to the house , so that he felt himself to be almost an old friend .
25 Where the accounts are prepared using merger accounting , show : an analysis of the current year 's attributable profit before extraordinary items between pre- and post-merger an analysis of the attributable profit before extraordinary items of the current year up to the date of the merger and of the previous year between that of the issuing company and that of the subsidiary .
26 This increased the demand for protectionism and throughout the postwar years British industry was sheltered from foreign competition by higher tariffs , import quotas and exchange controls .
27 From the beginning of the course and throughout the three years , students spend one half day per week in schools ( a different school each term ) where they work with small groups of children under the guidance of teachers and tutors .
28 And she said last year I 'd pulled that on the furniture , and like the first year you 're old enough to really wrap and there was a tap on the window and Theresa went out and she went , and come back and she went oh my God Father Christmas is out there and she said
29 The class continued throughout the war and into the post-war years , with Molly , Edith and Peggy as teachers , and any number and variety of halls as venue , one of which had been used by Pavolva for practice .
30 For 594 Fredegar notes a war between the Franks and the Bretons , and under the following year he mentions a victory over the Warni , who are probably to be equated with the Thuringians .
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