Example sentences of "and [prep] the day [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The decisions Gen McCreery was asking for could only be taken at a senior level , and during the day of 14 May they were considered at Caserta by Gen Brian Robertson , the Chief Administrative Officer at AFHQ .
2 Some of these points are illustrated in Table 3.1 which compares the effects of sleep at night and during the day upon growth hormone release and deep sleep ( dominated by an external cause , the act of going to sleep ) and cortisol release and REM sleep ( dominated by the body clock ) .
3 So much torrential rain fell overnight and throughout the day of the finals that the organisers decided to dispense with scrums and let the team who would have had the scrum take a free-kick instead .
4 1.4 Contractual term years from and including the day of See comments under clause 1.12 of the agreement for lease .
5 4.1 the Rent payable without any deduction by equal quarterly payments in advance on the usual quarter days in every year and proportionately for any period of less than a year the first such payment being a proportionate sum in respect of the period from and including the Rent Commencement Date to and including the day before the quarter day next after the Rent Commencement Date to be paid on the date of this Lease and
6 Nevertheless , local services play an essential part in the screening programme and in the day to day care of affected subjects ( box 3 ) .
7 The unguarded nature of the latter , which was never worked over by Thomas , provides occasional glimpses of the youth who left St. Paul 's after his seventeenth birthday in order to achieve a twofold purpose : ostensibly to please his father by attending a few practical evening classes and in the day by preparing himself for some form of Civil Service clerical post , while privately , he sought the freedom of a young nature-writer who was determined to collect his papers into a book .
8 As Docherty covered every inch of the Palestinian pitches , he was spotted by Walter Waddell , brother of the famous Rangers star Willie Waddell , and on the day of his demobilisation he signed for Celtic .
9 I remember that between a death and the subsequent funeral the street would be very quiet , pianos were locked , children were not allowed to play anywhere near the house and on the day of interment , all blinds were drawn , whilst as the cortege made its way to the Cemetery people would stop , the men always removing headgear .
10 Roland Hardy , prosecuting , said 24-year-old Miss Chui , from Singapore , had arrived at the university the previous month and on the day of the accident was walking home with fellow student Cedric Xavier .
11 Copies of contracts of service ( unless expiring or determinable by the employing company without payment of compensation within one year ) of any Director of the Company with the Company or any of its subsidiaries will be available for the inspection by members at the registered office of the Company during usual business hours on any week day ( Saturday excepted ) from the date of this notice until the date of the Annual General Meeting and on the day of the Meeting at Hotel Conrad for 15 minutes prior to and until the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting .
12 And on the day of confirmation I will be confirmed by the bishop .
13 And the apostle Paul in Corinthians in chapter six he says , at the acceptable time I listen to you , and on the day of salvation I helped you .
14 Basal and postprandial serum gastrin concentrations and basal pepsinogen A and C values were measured the day before , the last day ( day five ) , of treatment , and on the day after the various courses of treatment .
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