Example sentences of "and [prep] [art] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Before his association with William Smith and other Lollards of Leicester he had acted as a preacher and for a time as a hermit , with varied reception but some support from the Augustinian canons at Leicester Abbey .
2 Canterbury was the senior court and for a time during the Commonwealth period — between 1655 and 1660 — all wills were proved there .
3 Exploitation of the alluvial deposits of the Altai still further east allowed Russia to displace Brazil and for a time to be the world 's leading producer of gold .
4 Courses at the London School of Economics , which became social anthropology 's chief centre in Great Britain ( and for a time in the world ) , began with the appointment in 1910 of C. G. Seligman .
5 Patrick Forbes gets right to the heart of the matter when , in his scholarly work Champagne ( 1967 ) , he refers to a treatise , Traité de la culture des vignes de Champagne , written by a certain Frère Pierre , a member of the community at the abbey of Hautvillers during and after the time of his mentor Dom Pérignon .
6 Similarly , in 3 the time span which is indicated by " now " is limited to the few seconds immediately following the utterance , whereas in 4 the reference of " now " extends well before and after the time of utterance .
7 The 1976 act spoke of a person who died from ‘ personal injuries sustained by him ’ and Lord McCluskey said : ‘ In my view it is clear that the whole phrase is perfectly apt to include injuries inflicted to the person of a child immediately before his birth and continuing to have their effects on him by impairing his physical condition at and after the time of his birth .
8 Because the endoscopical findings in RP often include serpiginous ulcerations , fissures , and ileitis proximal to the pouch , the syndrome has often been attributed to underlying Crohn 's disease , the diagnosis of which had presumably been ‘ missed ’ both clinically and pathologically up to and including the time of colectomy .
9 We are suggesting , however , that the postoperative development of RP is not prima facie evidence for a ‘ missed ’ diagnosis of Crohn 's disease before and including the time of colectomy .
10 She proceeds to demonstrate , and within no time at all half a toothpick is stuck to her forehead , as if by magic .
11 You will know that , in your present life , you can meet someone new and within no time at all that person becomes a true friend .
12 In parish churches , however , there was a long period of stagnation , although there were improvements in standards and taste , and until the time of Vatican II there had been few developments in the Liturgy and its music .
13 This superbly presented loft ladder is easily installed , and in no time at all you will be able to use that extra space in your loft .
14 The drive would have done credit to a New York Yellow cab , and in no time at all I was being dumped at my hotel — on the blind side but within reach of my room and some assistance .
15 The first loop , or sideways circle will be erratic and recovery somewhat haphazard : but just as with riding a bicycle , all the reactions begin to come naturally and in no time at all , even as early as the third flight , you will be diving and climbing at will .
16 Simply peel off the cover , pop the plastic pack in the microwave and in no time at all you have a tasty meal for one .
17 She had never had this happen to her before , and she was not expert , in this area , in the art of procrastination , and in no time at all he had managed to slip his hand inside the stocking top of her offside leg .
18 In about 1935 lie came to Euston Road School when it was just about starting and in no time at all he became a really competent painter in that way .
19 A harry torrent flooded through the opening and in no time at all the herd was legging it back to the high land in a wild stampede .
20 Well that happened and er I was man and er they er brought me all the odd jobs that was going about and they used to go down the warehouse and er there was a fellow there , well a woman more than anything , know 'd where every thing was and in no time at all they showed me where the things were and er I er , young , it was in my memory , and in no time at all the men in the shop used to come and ask me to get them something from out the warehouse for this and that and the other .
21 Well that happened and er I was man and er they er brought me all the odd jobs that was going about and they used to go down the warehouse and er there was a fellow there , well a woman more than anything , know 'd where every thing was and in no time at all they showed me where the things were and er I er , young , it was in my memory , and in no time at all the men in the shop used to come and ask me to get them something from out the warehouse for this and that and the other .
22 And in no time at all erm they were all more or less depending in some small way on me , and I was just absolutely lapping the situation up , you know what I mean , just suited me fine .
23 And in no time at all , I did n't have to ask for jobs , I 'd got more than I could do , you know and er I was still , very well taken care of in the shop .
24 With a grin , she turned to follow the noisy , laughing , chattering group up the mountain , and in no time at all had found herself several chums .
25 Mind you , I will say that when I explained things to her she was up and into her jumper and jeans in a flash and in no time at all we were hammering down the road towards Carlisle .
26 Soon after that we saw the tail lights of Danny 's truck in the distance and in no time at all we were right behind it .
27 It starts off essentially defining them as people who are impartial , and in no time at all we are talking about them being nominated from different sector interest .
28 And in no time at all , it seemed , plates of food arrived — a delicious mixture of fish , most of which Lindsey dismally failed to recognise .
29 And in no time after that built a massive big bungalow for himself .
30 Yeah erm , the reason I want to follow it up is because would you not agree er with a number of major companies in this country and in a time of recession rather than cutting back on your marketing and advertising you should in fact be increasing it in fact when the marketing
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