Example sentences of "and [prep] [adj] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 This union along with the Labour Party should have no with the philosophy of workfare , it once and once and for all reject this philosophy and send it back to the bad old days of workhouses , parish guardians , the real Victorian values .
2 She wrote : ‘ let us once and for all dismiss this talk of ‘ a woman 's painting ’ and ‘ a man 's painting ’ .
3 ‘ Love of God is the greatest virtue a man can ever cultivate , and through that develops this love for the creation of God ; kindness , compassion , tolerance , and helpfulness to others emanate when the love of God grows in the heart .
4 And after that came this unofficial parade organized by Trade Unions and also , Moscow Voting Associations , so we had this peculiar spectacle of this radical Mayor of Moscow , newly elected Gavrielle Popov , standing up there , shoulder to shoulder with President Gorbachev and Yigor Ligicharf and er Defence Minister , Mick Dimitriargo , amongst others .
5 ( a ) he enters any building or part of a building as a trespasser and with intent to commit any such offence as is mentioned in sub-section ( 2 ) below ; or
6 A feeling of failure lies at the very heart of Serb nationalism , and with that come all the various justifications for this failure : all the various Cominterns , masonries and their unbelievable plots .
7 In 1949 , he had become a Jordanian citizen and in 1954 secured some family money that had been locked in Jaffa bank accounts , making him ‘ not a rich man , but living ’ .
8 They are run by DHAs and in general cost much less than those run by the Health Visitors ' Association .
9 Until comparatively recently this hope looked greatly at odds with the realities of international law which was prepared to acknowledge the sovereignty and hence the legality of states whose boundaries or existence are the result of force , uphold treaties imposed by coercion , and in general allow that war is an international sphere .
10 It can not escape notice that almost without exception these duties were performed , and in most countries-at least of the West — only performed , by priests until the Council .
11 In many fish , and in particular fish such as carp which frequently live in turbid water , chemoreception is what leads it to food .
12 It also shows women are over-represented in education , languages and literature and music/drama/art/design , whereas men are over-represented in engineering and technology and science , and that this pattern has not changed a great deal over the period , despite attempts to even out the balance , and in particular to attract more women on to science and technology courses .
13 In the Lord Mayor 's speech in London in November 1985 Nigel Lawson formally abandoned M3 and since 1987 gave more emphasis to broad money or M4 ( which is M3 plus building society liabilities ) though not setting a target range .
14 He has always regarded the break-up as good fortune and at last found some degree of stability when his mother remarried six years later .
15 At least while the enemy is shooting up your Pump Wagon he 's ignoring the rest of your army as it storms forward , and at 40 points each that 's a small price to pay for keeping your core units intact .
16 The Electrophone Company was formed by Mr H. S. J. Booth in 1894 , and by 1896 had some 50 subscribers in London .
17 The Yak–7 was developed into the Yak–9 which was by far the most significant fighter on all Soviet fronts and by 1944 outnumbered all other types combined .
18 The first canals were constructed between 1757 and 1761 in order to transport coal from the mines to the towns and factories ; in the years 1791–7 the canal system expanded rapidly , and by 1815 covered most of England 's transport requirements in the industrial field .
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