Example sentences of "and [prep] [num ord] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 President Yang Shangkun was removed from the politburo and as first vice-chair of the Central Military Commission ( CMC ) .
2 Repeat for each stitch to be embroidered and after last stitch of row , bring needle up through stitch below instead of stitch to left ( Fig. 3 ) .
3 Infancy and early childhood are the time of basic sexual development ; pre-puberty — despite the " latency " concept — is the phase of accommodation to social thinking and relationships , and of first establishment of gender identity ; adolescence itself is marked by an upsurge of sexual feeling , establishment of sexual identity and — perhaps to an increasing extent — first true sexual experience .
4 She is Head of Mathematics and of Sixth Form at Farnborough Hill .
5 The victory , their fifth in six games , sent the Lions leap-frogging over West Ham and into fourth place in Division One .
6 These are dusk to around 1.30 a.m. , and from first glimmer of light to an hour or so after sun-up .
7 That she has so kindly obliged me this evening , and on Twelfth Night of all nights causes me no small surprise . ’
8 In the 13 years since Montague broke away from Cables Montague , his father 's trucking company , he has taken Tiphook to pole position in the European container leasing business — a complementary , and vastly bigger , business than trailer leasing — and to second place in the world market behind General Electric subsidiary Genstar .
9 Now Mowbray is looking ahead to his emotional testimonial return to Ayresome and to next season in Europe .
10 There are substantial bottlenecks in the primary system — at first grade in urban schools ( causing large numbers of children to start school late ) , and at fifth grade in rural schools .
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