Example sentences of "and [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In this context knowledge can be understood as the presuppositions shared by members of a social group and as the meanings through which their action and experience are mediated — as a whole it may be recognized as the perspective of the social group .
2 And as the aspirations of the various professions , of students , of the ‘ third element ’ rose , so did their exasperation at continuing official inefficiency , corruption and oppression .
3 Increasin increasing , it 's not just a question of support , it 's a committed partnership , and as the boundaries between public , private and voluntary sectors , become less rigid , these partnerships will continue to grow .
4 R A Y N E R , and that 's your head of department in case erm , so if you look in that book in chapter four , right , there 's er agricultural trade and the GATT , if you look er , if you read that chapter , it 'll give you all the information you need to know about erm , agricultural trade , erm , how it 's changed , what the costs , there are a lot of estimates of the costs of agricultural protectionism , and as the benefits to liberalization of er , of trade , and also it gives er , a view of erm , er the Uruguay round of GATT .
5 This will leave entrepreneurs from local minority communities in a strong position as the owners of existing fairly well managed productive assets , and as the suppliers of intermediate goods to small-scale producers .
6 And as the years from retirement lengthen , it seems more and more tenuous to group men in terms of long-past work , let alone women who since marriage may never have been in paid work at all .
7 It was always the same when trade was booming at the local wharves , and as the convoys of horsecarts and lorries lined up along Cotton Lane so the cafe became even fuller .
8 They try to maintain a rough balance across the liquidity range , but the precise composition of assets will vary as interest rates on the various assets vary , and as the demands for liquidity vary .
9 No blue skies , just the same depressing grey she had grown used to , and as the events of yesterday flooded relentlessly into her mind her eyes filled with helpless tears .
10 Defining as the elasticity of substitution in fixed costs , and as the shares in fixed costs .
11 The lower portions of the inclined planes descend below the level of the water in the tail bays , and as the tanks on the downward run move down into the water until there is parity of level between the water in the tank and that in the bay , dock gates are unnecessary in these lower channels .
12 SPORT reflects the ills of society and , in the current climate of moral torpor , perhaps we should not be surprised by declining standards of behaviour both on and off the fields of activity .
13 Thus these issue networks provide a kind of intellectual community in specific policy fields which to some extent transcends traditional political boundaries between Congress and the executive and between the layers of government in the American federal system ( this is examined in more detail in chapter 16 ) .
14 Whilst the Memoirs inevitably loom large in the background of any attempt to study de Beauvoir , biographers are now reading against and between the lines of her own narrative in producing new , though not necessarily less selective , versions of her life .
15 He described One journey to the source of the James River in 1738 in a letter to Collinson , ‘ … over and between the mountains in many very crooked turnings and windings ; in which I travelled 1,100 miles in five weeks , having rested but one day in all that time …
16 Moreover , Soviet specialists point to the unresolved disputes and mutual claims over territory , and to the existence of national , tribal , religious , economic and other issues within and between the states of the Indian Ocean basin .
17 ( 1969 ) were talking , of course , primarily about affluent workers , all of whom were married and between the ages of 25 and 45 .
18 And between the ages of fourteen and eighteen came gradually the disbelief , first in free will , then in immortality , and finally in God .
19 Talks were also held between the two countries ' Foreign Ministers , who discussed the Cambodian question , and between the Ministers of Economic Relations and Trade .
20 Profit before extraordinary items and the extraordinary items are analysed between A. Layout Plc and Model Manufacturing Ltd and between the periods before and after the date of the merger on 28th August 1990 as follows :
21 The town boasts several fish and chip shops and between the hours of noon and two queues stretch out to sea .
22 It would seem therefore that the contingent or empirical links uncovered by experimental science between the nature of the stimulus and the intensity and distribution of neural activity on the one hand and between the properties of the stimulus and those of the evoked sensation on the other are not based on discoveries that go beyond , or arise outside of , ordinary experience .
23 And between the months of October and March he does n't climb , so this On the Rock begins with a compromise .
24 Jordan 's overriding objective continued to be survival , caught between the two regional powers , Syria and Israel , and between the imperatives of the Palestinian movement and its own interest in the West Bank .
25 They take place within and between the sexes among little boys and little girls everywhere ; their sexual content may be explicit , or more or less thinly disguised .
26 And between the shores of waking and slumber lay sharp reefs of nightmare .
27 In these areas and between the laterals of the bars and spits , where the movement of the tide is usually unaccompanied by marked wave action , conditions are ideal for quiet deposition .
28 This study aims to discover patterns of migration of labour within and between the townships of Calverley parish and to look at the role of vestry policy upon this and also upon movement into and out of the parish .
29 The repeated confirmation of the correlation between the physical characteristics of the stimulus and the characteristics of the neural activity it triggers , and between the characteristics of the stimulus and that of the subjective sensation , has encouraged the belief that our sensations are in some sense to be understood in terms of a set of stimulation levels ( spiking frequencies ) in the appropriate sensory pathways .
30 There was , indeed , strong support for collective action with unions within specific industries and between the unions of all industries — something which the TUC encouraged through its new journal Trade Union Unity .
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