Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [is] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And freedom is at the very heart of the idea that is America .
2 Trust is essential to intimacy , and intimacy is at the core of a successful marriage .
3 Innocence and Experience is at the Ferens Art Gallery , Hull until 10 Jan 1993 ; Castle Museum , Nottingham 16 Jan-28 Feb ; Kelvingrove Art Gallery , Glasgow 6 Mar-25 April .
4 Their inclusion and removal is at the discretion of the force which enters the record on the police national computer .
5 The president cares , and money is on the way .
6 The association 's concerns have been backed by the National Rivers Authority who said in a letter : ‘ The site and building is on the flood plane of the River Eden and the flooding of the area and the building can not be discounted . ’
7 1980 ) and onset is during the second half of the first year of life .
8 Quite apart from these constraints there are more familiar problems associated with compound growth calculations : the weighting of capital and labour is on the crude basis of their respective shares in gross domestic income ; the technique of weighting from year to year is , as always , a compromise between different types of index ; compound rates of change are constant over a given period and , therefore , may not adequately reflect sharp movements within the period .
9 On the one hand , they all regard material circumstances as important in explaining the penal crisis : witness Bottoms ' ’ crisis of resources ' , Fitzgerald and Sim 's ‘ crisis of conditions ’ , Woolf 's concern with prison conditions and overcrowding , and Hall 's with the backwardness of the British economy .
10 Ten thousand people left the city last year and emigration is on the up .
11 ‘ The economic circumstances are right and recovery is on the way .
12 The elaborate surface-pattern of wings and corslet is in the black-figure tradition ; the symmetrical spear men framing the scene also ; but the strain , sensible in the humped backs , and the minutely observed anatomy are quite new , and the new spirit informs the whole .
13 Capitalism , being patriarchal , socially constructs sexuality within a heterosexual framework ( the inter-relationship between capitalism , patriarchy and heterosexuality is outside the scope of this chapter , unfortunately , but is overdue for socialist analysis ) .
14 The Andromeda model , with matching pedestal , basin and toilet is from the range sold by Graham
15 Let us imagine that we are fortunate enough to find , written in Robert Browning 's hand , a copy of his famous song from Pippa Passes , beginning ‘ The year 's at the spring , And day 's at the morn …
16 According to Robert Blaich , Director of Design , design for manufacture and assembly is at the centre of Philips 's compacted development time .
17 Although two thirds of the children born out of wedlock are registered by both parents , and illegitimacy is on the increase , we in Britain have not reached the position arrived at in Sweden where , since I January 1988 , partners who live together outside marriage are afforded the same legal rights as those who are married .
18 Every single food you see in every supermarket , butcher 's , greengrocer 's and fishmonger 's in the land has calories lurking within .
19 The station is an endangered species and conservation is of the essence .
20 The UK 's highest sulphur pollution as dry deposition and gas is in the power station belts of the East Midlands , South Yorkshire and north Kent .
21 The U.K. passport we all know and love is on the way out .
22 Lilliput 's preference is shown on the left in each outcome , and Blefuscu 's on the right .
23 It is an important personal agency , and communication is of the essence , ’ he says .
24 Together they comprise a course programme which in range and choice is amongst the best in the United Kingdom .
25 In other cases the senses fail as a result of old age — so the number of deaf and blind is on the increase as more people lie longer .
26 One of the all time greats of rock and roll is in the region tonight on the last date of a UK tour .
27 But one must remember that the divergent reading of the Christian myth by Reformation and Counter-Reformation is at the heart of the religious as opposed to the rough interpretation of the conflict .
28 Faldo 's money is destined for Capital Radio 's Help A London Child ; Lyle 's for Great Ormond Street Hospital ; Woosnam 's for the Oswestry branch of the N.S.P.C.C. and Hoch 's to the Arnold Palmer Hospital in Orlando , Florida .
29 So too with the two ingredients which constitute our life principle , the rational and the irrational ; the rational which belongs to mind and reason is of the masculine gender , the irrational , the province of sense , is of the feminine .
30 When I started in the Preliminary Training School two and a half years ago my aunt had passed Little Ben on to me and had my name engraved beneath hers and grandfather 's on the back .
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