Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 I think negotiations involved your own department , Education and DoMIS at the time .
2 I was away with my mother and sister at the time , but my father was in the house .
3 They traded in spices , wool , silk and money at a time when Augsburg and Ingolstadt lay on the main trade route from the Mediterranean to the Baltic .
4 Four patients had cholestasis and stricture at the time of the first diagnostic procedure .
5 Culley 's throat was dry and itchy by the time Ira Sanchez arrived .
6 Sydney Doran , 25 , was serving a sentence for robbery and theft at the time of the disturbance two years ago .
7 There is no small irony in this , as applications to purchase foreign technology in the first place will only be approved if the relevant Soviet machine building ministry can not produce something of the appropriate standard and quantity in the time required .
8 It was not so much the existence of war as the manner of fighting it which aroused the criticism of an increasingly outspoken body of persons who reflected the views of society in the growing vernacular literature and poetry of the time .
9 To the Soviet mind , the ‘ bourgeois ’ view of war as a breakdown of normality , and peace as a time of cooperation and goodwill , is quixotic .
10 These can tell us a great deal about past environments and climate during the time of their accumulation , but there are many ways by which small mammal accumulations occur in the natural world .
11 Opposition groups dismissed the constitutional changes as a device to gain Western aid and approval at a time of economic crisis .
12 If it did not spring out of contract it must , I apprehend , have arisen ( if at all ) from the relative situation and circumstances of the defendants and plaintiff at the time of the occurrence of the act of negligence .
13 Feeling battered in mind and body by the time Laura announced that she felt able to take a break — and how about an early lunch ? — Anita could do no more than give her a dumb nod of agreement .
14 So sometimes they-will not carry-out the work themselves , but rather drive the car to a specialist centre and charge for the time .
15 In connection with the Carrefour du développement ( Development Crossroads ) development aid scandal which came to light in mid-1986 the Commission d'instruction of the High Court on April 4 , 1990 , brought an end to investigations into the activities of Christian Nucci , the ( Socialist ) Minister-Delegate for Co-operation and Development at the time [ see pp. 35126 ; 36706 ] .
16 Another polyphosphate used is sodium hexametaphosphate the choice of which is often governed by availability and price at the time .
17 Mr Justice Mantell said that Paul Taylor , 27 , who was nearing the end of a three-and-a-half-year term for theft and assault at the time of the riot in April , 1990 , had taken part in some of the worst violence .
18 Children are excited by it ; it helps reinforce the children 's understanding of and commitment to the time shift , and in this case introduces the idea of a journal as part of the fiction , thereby leading into writing-in-role activities . )
19 We evidently process such sequences clause and phrase at a time .
20 He has given me nothing but total loyalty and respect at a time when I needed it most .
21 integrated as a continuous strand of interaction between tutor and student throughout the time of the module , with achievements being logged as and when evidence is gathered .
22 In 1956 , the French critic Bernard Gavoty published a monograph on Karajan that was much preoccupied with Karajan 's temperament and musicianship at a time when he was being increasingly regarded more as an ambitious virtuoso superstar than as a totally dedicated musician .
23 Consider , for example , Kloppenberg 's assessment of Sidney Webb : ‘ Although he passed through a Comtean phase that permanently altered his perspective from liberal individualism to organic collectivism , he had shed the positivist 's confidence in ultimate certainties as inconsistent with empiricism and democracy by the time he proclaimed himself a socialist in 1886 . ’
24 But with 50pc remission and consideration of the time he spent on remand , he will be allowed out for weekends by next February .
25 Censorship reflects the social concerns and even fears of society and government at the time .
26 In the context of German Hellenism as a whole , what it meant was an ever-widening gulf between classics as a study and the creative art and life of the time .
27 Professor Jack Shaw , the SHEFC 's chairman , said the system for allocating funds was meant to be predictable and would allow clear budgeting and stability at a time when student numbers have been growing rapidly , some fee levels have been cut sharply , and large efficiency gains expected .
28 Secure in business and society — he was a Merchant Adventurer , Muscovy merchant , and MP at the time of his marriage — Smith abandoned a conventional career in commerce when he took up the collectorship of the subsidy on imports at the port of London in 1558 .
29 Birth parents have to wait for adoptees to choose to contact them and may therefore experience feelings of desperation and anticipation around the time when the adoptee would be 18 years old .
30 The commons had shown themselves increasingly adept at procuring political concessions in return for grants of taxes , and although they were at their most effective when they enjoyed the support of at least some sections of the nobility , they had gained substantially in experience and cohesion by the time the crisis of 1340–1 arose .
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