Example sentences of "and [noun sg] and a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now we 've got a good long a session and hour and a quarter and tea afterwards .
2 ‘ Señor Gracias , Buenas noches , ’ said the owner as he took Luke 's order for a vodka and tonic and a Bourbon .
3 I thought a cup of sweet English tea or warm camels ' milk and clove and a sleep , and certainly not to take the wheel of one of the cars on their way to Al Ain .
4 His ecumenical spirit was such that when two Spanish vessels visited Sydney in 1793 he ‘ outdid himself in his sociable gestures , particularly toward our chaplain fathers approaching them with a kindness and humility and a simplicity that was truly evangelical ’ ( The Spanish at Port Jackson , Australian Documentary Facsimile Society , 1967 ) .
5 The Zikr must have been devout too , of course , but he got round a lot more than Zoser , mixed with people , liked crowd and noise and a bit of fun .
6 ( 1988 ) contrast the political projection of the inner city as a place of hopelessness and blight and a residuum of crime and disorder with ‘ The Action for Cities ’ connoted vision of British values embodied in policy prescriptions extolling stability , partnership and self-help .
7 He had golden-brown hair and beard and a voice high in pitch but rich in timbre .
8 She was free to stay in Rome , not at the palazzo — she could never do that , never let Nicolo provide her with room and board and a salary , and yet take her into his bed each night .
9 No violence , no rapid motion , just feeling and tenderness and a pressure that was beyond sex , somewhere on another plane .
10 Roger Hymas is a lecturer and writer and a Director of Cadogan Management Ltd , a business development adviser to corporations and institutions .
11 I paid the woman next door a quid to look after Lee and Max , bought a roller and tray and a paste brush — another quid — borrowed a paste board , and at 8 a.m. skipped off to my first commission .
12 At Imperial College 's field station at Silwood Park , Mick Crawley is setting up a series of such experiments as part of Prosamo , a research programme funded by the Agricultural and Food Research Council , the Department of Trade and Industry and a consortium of companies .
13 Robert Roberts recalls that the Scuttler 's girl friend also had her own style of dress — ‘ clogs and shawl and a skirt with vertical stripes ’ — although I know of no other references to female attire , and as usual within these hooligan preoccupations attention was rootedly fixed on the boys .
14 By permission of the Queen and with the consent of the Cauldon Potteries Ltd. , Sir George Hayter Chubb had painted metal replicas of the house made , with a lock and key and a slit in the roof to be used as children 's money boxes .
15 Put in a fireproof dish eight carrots cut in round pieces , about half an inch thick , half a dozen small onions , parsley , salt and pepper and a rasher of bacon cut in small pieces , add a tablespoon of water , cover the dish and cook on a slow fire for about three and a half hours .
16 Half an hour later the sister had her organized at a table in the day room , with writing paper and pen and a cup of sugary tea .
17 They will then notify their clients by sending them contract notes — a ‘ bought ’ note in the case of a purchase and a ‘ sold ’ note in the case of a sale — accompanied , in the case of a purchase , by a request for payment prior to the next settlement date ( unless they are already holding their client 's funds ) or , in the case of a sale , by a transfer form for signature and return and a request for the share certificate ( unless they already hold it ) .
18 She had just finished her breakfast of dripping and bread and a piece of cold bacon when Ben came into the room .
19 The general apologized for the dearth of corned beef sandwiches , but was able to produce a mutton broth , lamb , potatoes and cabbage and a bottle of Hock to go with it .
20 One archer had really gone back to basics ; he had started making his own bows by means of trial and error and a book from the library .
21 This study arises from previous work in the Urban and Regional Studies Unit on regional unemployment and migration and a study of household movement in the London region .
22 The flow chart is not supposed to be rigid or to be adhered to at all costs ; more a source of guidance and reference and a way of keeping check on the different activities that go on simultaneously as you move towards that special day .
23 In particular West Ham and Poplar and a handful of other Boards with active Labour members went as far as their resources permitted in providing out-door relief and improved workhouse conditions even for the unemployed , even though they faced considerable opposition from the LGB .
24 We can guess that both the lords and the village community found a uniform system , in which all the tenants had land of their own , and all worked to till the lord 's domain , had its advantages ; in particular , that the lords preferred the service of serfs , whose lives they did not have to organize in detail , to that of slaves , who were dependent on them for food and clothing and a roof over their heads .
25 They may wake from sleep with great fear , agitation and anxiety and a sense of suffocation like in Lachesis .
26 Bedrooms all have TV and telephone and a minibar is available at a supplement of 2,000 Lire per night , payable locally .
27 and amp and a set of speakers it 's about three hundred and odd quid and it 's er Samsung and it 's supposed to be one
28 Obviously there are no simple solutions to a difficult relationship with a demanding parent , but it can often be kept ticking over on a mixture of kindness and firmness and a refusal on your part to come out of your corner for a fight every time she chooses to ring the bell .
29 In the Forest of Dean they also took housebote and haybote and a tree trunk at Christmas , under the supervision of the verderers and other Forest officers : they employed men to make some of this wood into charcoal and to operate travelling forges for the smelting of iron , and were answerable to the Crown when these workmen took wood in the forest to which they were not entitled .
30 At the end nearest the tube station was a block of shops containing a small supermarket run by Pakistanis , a Greek restaurant run by Cypriots , a triple-fronted emporium given over to the sale of motor-cycle spare parts and equipment and a paper shop run by people who when asked where they came from ingenuously replied that they were Cape Coloureds .
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