Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A Navy sailing master was permitted to take over command only for the duration of the brief period when it was necessary for the Simonova to be manoeuvred to allow technical officers to service the weapons and telemetry mounted on the platforms .
2 In some sedimentary uranium ores , such as those in the southwestern US , oxidising solutions percolating through U-rich rocks dissolved U(VI) and transported it until the redox conditions changed and uranium precipitated as the U(IV) mineral uraninite .
3 The lightning flashed in a wild dance of death , and thunder came from every part of the huge sky .
4 Lightning played across the front almost continually , and thunder rolled over the catamaran .
5 The sky had darkened and thunder rolled in the west .
6 The rain grew heavier and thunder rumbled over the mountains .
7 The rigour and honesty brought to the task will put students of church growth in Dr McGavran 's debt .
8 • writing — with three attainment targets in the primary stages : a growing ability to construct and convey meaning in written language , matching style to audience and purpose ; spelling ; and handwriting ; but two in the secondary stages , with spelling and handwriting merged into an attainment target called presentation .
9 writing — with three attainment targets in the primary stages : a growing ability to construct and convey meaning in written language , matching style to audience and purpose ; spelling ; and handwriting ; but two in the secondary stages , with spelling and handwriting merged into an attainment target called presentation .
10 The only way was to persuade one of the Met Officers to take over the observations and chart plotting for the day , and then we would all be back for the night duty .
11 By the late 1960s various ways had been developed within English studies of dealing with the " inadequacies " which resulted from the dissonances between student attitudes to literary study and teaching based on the elevated canon of great literary texts or " classics " .
12 They will consist of more spelling games in the classroom and teaching reading by a mixture of phonetics and old-style A is for Apple , B is for Boat and C is for cat reading books .
13 It is recognised that assignments and case studies can also be significant aspects of learning and teaching approaches in the modules as well as being used for summative assessment purposes .
14 As the last extracts indicate , schools and teaching exist in a social framework .
15 If this process is arrested and teaching reduced to the manipulation of a set of techniques , or conformity to a fixed method , then pedagogy as such ceases to exist .
16 Thus the relationships of domination and subordination found in the infrastructure will also be found in social institutions .
17 Since the Revolution of 1974 and the opening of the Regional Government and Parliament granted by the new constitution in 1976 , vast improvements have been made to the infrastructure of the islands and to the living standards of the people .
18 More immediately , while realism dictated that Mary would go to England when she married , Henry was told very bluntly that she must not go sooner : such a demand would be ‘ a right high and right great inconvenience to the realm of Scotland ’ , and parliament trusted to the English king 's ‘ high wisdom ’ , and assumed that he would not insist .
19 All Byzantine decorative form is a mixture of east and west treated in a symbolic rather than realistic manner ( 187 ) .
20 The resentment and resistance generated in the schools by the way PNP was developed and implemented was a prominent theme in our early data , and in some schools it persisted until our last major data-gathering exercises : the 1989 questionnaires sent to primary heads , coordinators and advisory staff , and the 1990 home-school links follow-up study .
21 And like many records of war , images of the anger , humiliation , privilege and resistance experienced by the fighters are not in the picture .
22 A specimen of urine should be requested and urinalysis performed including the estimation of urine specific gravity to assess fluid balance and renal function .
23 Another distinction is that some of the approaches concern essentially the children 's developing use of language , whereas others concern the knowledge about language and literature required of an informed and educated citizen in a democratic society .
24 His staff car and driver waited in the farm yard .
25 It was emotionally captivating to see a truck laden with consumer goods draw up at Tazarbu , to hear the driver announce that he had a new poem from Muhammad Dabub in Ajdabiya , and to see shopkeepers , customers and driver sit in the shade to listen to the poem .
26 He had driven straight into a brick lorry , and car and driver coalesced in the final spasm .
27 However the realities of the clinical area impose constraints on both methods and resources , so that in achieving a satisfactory compromise between the ideal and what is possible the teacher may find her imagination and ingenuity tested to the full .
28 To his left the gorse and hawthorn sprawled over the hillside against a backdrop of little Cornish fields disposed in their unique version of three-dimensional geometry .
29 Completing the two-year project to time and budget called on the skills of a first-class management team This included project manager Richard Smyth ; project coordinator , Peter Green ; senior agents Robert Vickers , Paul Cadman and Neil Sheddon and agent Barry Kingscote .
30 As soon as she climbed off the coach , she burst into tears , and Mum took in the situation at a glance .
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