Example sentences of "and [unc] and [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 two people to go to John , erm because erm , apart from anything else it was agreed John 's arm was twisted yesterday to take two people and g and the work but the issue is is that the K does n't , the issue is is that there is no budget anywhere for it either here or down in John 's area .
2 Between 9.0–9.5d.p.c. , these patterns becomes refined with a progressive restriction leading to the appearance of stripes of expression in r2 and r4 and a stream of crest cells migrating from each ( Fig. 1 i' ) .
3 This last remark referred to a Wager Society concert that had included , among other works , the preludes to Lohengrin and Meistersinger and the prelude and Liebestod of Tristan .
4 And er and a stool with a seat to match , that 's all I wanted .
5 Well actually this is a matter for the police authorities and despite the fact that the Noble Lord , Lord Callaghan had said this is a centralising measure and er and a number of other Noble Lords have , have said er s similar things , what my Right Honourable Friend is trying to do is to give down to local authorities more power , more responsibility and not to keep that r responsibility to himself .
6 Erm it was a load of Epsom Salts and er and a lot of gin and hot baths , that brought it on sometimes .
7 So the neurotransmitters then bind to receptors which are which are the same as the channels , the channel is both the receptor , the ligan binder , and er and an ion channel , and it 's located at the postsynaptic membrane or at the surface of the muss muscle fibre if we 're dealing with a neuromuscular junction .
8 And er and an item particularly that comes from the church council .
9 Oh it had oh yes definitely , they used to have a lot of machinery from Germany , cos they were specialists in , in power presses , oh I used to , the one big press I used to work on I used bells , erm all this was great nearly as high as the ceiling here and it was an press , and er just one just press a lever or a handle there used to be er handles on the side as well sometimes they put levers sometimes a handle and the bell would come out all formed and everything and that was heavy steel , and that was a heavy job , but erm they were very very heavy presses they , the pressure was very I do n't know tons or something like that , but erm it was all er it was all to cut labour out and er and the self-feed as well where one would be feeding it or you 'd pull it yourself , it was automatic all automatic I could n't think of that word before .
10 That 's two different kinds of love though then , love , loving your neighbour I suppose is the widest sense and er and the love between a parent and child , are those more recognisable as , as true love if you like than the kind of romantic love , sexual love that we 've been talking about , yes
11 Woolworth 's and er and the water fountain in Street .
12 Twiglets and er and the pasty .
13 So that 's another situation and as we 'll talk about and I hinted at yesterday er the dreaded vote of thanks situation and the the er giving of the gold watch and er and the being a best man at a wedding or even a bride or groom at a wedding er again is a is a way of helping this Aldershot method is a way of helping you to get your thoughts together and put them across effectively .
14 And er and the sparrow started to get better and er it was starting to fly a peedie but again and was just getting its strength back .
15 Fig. 4a shows that the P.wickerhamii ai2 carries all postulated helices ( P1-P9 ) in the conserved core sequence and displays the characteristics of subgroup ID introns : a CUA sequence motif separates P6 and P7 and a UGUA motif occurs between P8 and P7' ( 7 , 15 ) .
16 Similarly , s.3(3) , which gave the Treasury overriding authority to arbitrate in any dispute between the C. and A.G. and an auditee , has also been withdrawn .
17 I mean , that 's why he 's presumably chosen what he wants to do , and th and the description at the end of the way he he led his life while he was overseas quite incredible !
18 So she said , and then we got undressed she said , and I got in bed in my er my vest and knickers and th and the lady said where 's your pyjamas ?
19 and erm and a coffee .
20 I do n't know what it was and erm and the blow torch went off .
21 And erm and the ski pants were twenty five pound so , if I spent twenty two there , and twenty five that 's forty seven .
22 We , when we were dredging , we were dredging now from Cliff Quay and er used to get all this er grey mud and erm and the chalk and when we used to dredge , we got down to chalk er , more or less the depth we wanted to go and anybody dredging down there today if they dredge the chalk at Cliff Quay that 's the depth of water you want and erm then we dredged erm just below erm and then we went to Freston Freston we were dredging peat .
23 But , there 's the the main , er , hotel that you book into and you come away from there to the dining area and erm and the reception
24 The problem is linear , superposition is permissible , so all we need to do is to add vectorially E1 , and E2 and the field at point P is determined .
25 First , there was the identification of the ‘ Src homology ’ domains SH2 and SH3 and the recognition ( see refs 10 and 11 for reviews ) that these regions are binding sites for specific tyrosine phosphoproteins ( for SH2 regions ) and specific proline-rich motifs ( SH3 regions ) .
26 as well and ta and the top is n't so soggy .
27 These studies provide substantial evidence that , at least in the case of the keyboard concertos K449 , K488 , and K595 and the string quarter K458 , the process of composition was spread out over many months .
28 Then they had dances in the schools in the South school and the Central school and school and d and the North school .
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