Example sentences of "and [modal v] have been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Phormio 's alliance was hardly , given the distance of Akarnania from Athens , the considered policy of the Athenian Assembly — the general just made it on the spot — and may have been mere opportunism , for Athens made many alliances which never came to anything and were not expected to .
2 There were no horse-drawn wagons , but one of the trailers looked very old-fashioned and may have been home-made .
3 Thomas Hardy was employed by both architects and may have been involved in the work .
4 That summer of 1920 he had conversations which affected his mind and may have been decisive indirectly for his future choice of career .
5 In many cases , ordinary infections could be pinpointed , though some deaths were left unexplained and may have been due to EBHS .
6 In the entire study population the associations , particularly with periodontal disease , were weak and may have been due to small biases or residual confounding .
7 There is also the great hill-figure , the Cerne Giant , which has been identified as Hercules and may have been one of many such figures .
8 These goddesses were very simple , and may have been armless , like the earliest wooden idols on mainland Greece .
9 These subjects had comparatively low positive titres in 1978 and may have been false positives .
10 Despite her wish to become accepted within rational circles she insisted on the acceptance of ‘ the affections ’ and may have been instrumental in Godwin 's revisions of his writings .
11 AD 700 was provided with an incipient keel and may have been able to bear the greater stresses of a sail .
12 An agreeable contrast is furnished by the light-hearted productions of an exquisite artist who worked with , and may have been identical with , a potter Amasis ( fig. 56 ) .
13 In Christian belief it was a symbol of the resurrection of the flesh , and may have been significant in Scandinavian paganism too , for the bones of a peacock were found within the ninth-century ship-burial from Gokstad in Norway , whereas all other animal remains lay outside it .
14 Swan compiled a series of almanacs published in Cambridge from 1657 , and may have been responsible too for other titles such as those ostensibly by ‘ Swallow ’ and ‘ Dove ’ .
15 As sheriff of Oxford and Buckingham from 1308 to 1310 , forester of Whittlewood Forest in Buckinghamshire from 1308 , constable of Oxford castle from 1311 to 1321 , and steward of the royal household from 1311 to 1325 , Richard moved from local administration to the centre of power and may have been responsible for introducing Roger to royal service .
16 And in 1972 the matching shoulder blades , vertebrae and pelvis of a sauropod even bigger than Brachiosaurus was dragged from the clay in Colorado : the largest vertebra was about 1.5 metres long , suggesting the animal was more than 16 metres tall , weighing over 80 tons and may have been 3 metres in length .
17 ( b ) She was 34 weeks pregnant and must have been anxious as to the health of her baby .
18 Below The horned dinosaurs had much more bend in each joint , and must have been rhino-like in gait .
19 He recorded a visit of several days to Thorndon , Lord Petre 's estate , where he collected many rare specimens and must have been delighted by the tapestry of exotic climbers woven through trellises at the back of the stoves ( see p. 55 ) .
20 She had pretty hair and must have been nice-looking when she was young .
21 Specialized ornithischians in the late Cretaceous were the remarkable duck-billed dinosaurs , animals that lost their front teeth and had arrays of tiny grinding teeth at the back of the jaw that were continually replaced , like those of the shark , and must have been able to cope with tough vegetation .
22 me patient should have the right sort of symptoms and should have been subject to some stressful emotional experience before the onset of the illness .
23 At two and a quarter hours it will test the bladder control of the average child , and some scenes could and should have been shorter .
24 It was inevitable — and should have been obvious to the kinds of forecasting brains that IBM could afford — that the open systems movement would spread up from the desktop to infect first the minicomputer world and then the mainframe .
25 According to the board , Ocean Ranger was structurally sound and should have been able to weather the storm .
26 I was favoured with your letter and should have been glad to embrace this opportunity of sending a packet of seeds to Dr. Manetti of Florence , but the season has been so cold that but few of them have ripened as yet , but if the next month proves favourable , I hope to send him some in November , if you have any opportunity to convey them .
27 The regimes which emerged in Lithuania and Estonia had considerable popular support ( both implemented quite radical land-reform programmes ) , and might have been able to sustain independent national States without foreign intervention .
28 Mr Scarff said : ‘ I could n't carry on employing staff who supported the men and might have been able to leak sensitive information . ’
29 ‘ Corporal ’ — her voice was clear and could have been that of a schoolteacher reprimanding — ‘ I have n't much opinion of my legs , but I can assure you you are not the type of man I would allow within parade ground distance of them , let alone pull them . ’
30 During that week of leave there was one other incident which was memorable and could have been serious , if not fatal , for me .
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