Example sentences of "and [modal v] [verb] with [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It affects digestion , exacerbates stomach problems and may join with adrenaline in insidiously damaging the circulation .
2 ‘ The Hansom will take us to Blackburn Railway Station , then from there we 'll travel to Liverpool and should arrive with time to spare . ’
3 She felt frightened and strange as she thought of greeting her first-born , who would not know her and might recoil with horror and cry for Ellen .
4 I am at her mercy at the moment though I keep her and pay her well and might look with justice for harder work from her , but when I am over my lying-in I will be behind her you can be sure .
5 It was , she thought , an almost indecently incongruous remark with which to begin a visit of condolence ; or was this his way of confronting her grief and stoicism by taking refuge on professional ground , the only one on which he felt confident and could speak with authority ?
6 Appropriately here , he was also one of the greatest of cover fieldsmen , and could bowl with pace but little accuracy from round the wicket .
7 A spokesman for the Department of Transport said both routes proposed by the NGC ran close to the A19 and could interfere with improvement plans for the Norton Parkway section of road .
8 They had put up a sufficiently worthy defence and could yield with honour .
9 The weighing up of ‘ advantages ’ and ‘ disadvantages ’ here and in general is extremely difficult and will change with time and locality .
10 The specific amounts of nutrients required will vary at different stages in life ( e.g. children need food for growth ) and will vary with activity and state of health .
11 It will be held on in St Thomas More 's Parish Hall , Middlesbrough from 9.45am and will conclude with Mass at 4pm. , celebrated by Fr.
12 Children will encounter the Christian Church in the outside world , and will meet with Christianity among their contemporaries as they grow up , even if they have not met it at home .
13 She is a very strong woman and will talk with Stadler when he 's on the course .
14 Do what you can to deal with the problem during the day and be aware that sleeping difficulties are temporary and will pass with time .
15 Details are scarce but it uses a dopler meter and flow dividers and will work with vacuum tankers .
16 Pam Ferris from the Darling Buds of May is actively supporting the fund and will help with publiscation and er fund raising , publicising and fund raising in the birthday year .
17 McGroddy is also kicking some financial resources into Power Parallel and will help with chip design , high-speed switching and parallel compilers .
18 Fleischmann was alluding to the strategic importance of lithium-6 , which is present as 7.5 per cent of all naturally occurring lithium and is an important ingredient in thermonuclear weapons as it can be cleft by neutrons to make tritium , the essential fuel , and can fuse with deuterium to make helium-4 , releasing energy in the form of gamma rays without accompanying neutrons .
19 The trays have been flow-tested and can cope with power showers .
20 Such skills also increase efficiency and effectiveness , and can help with planning and evaluation .
21 When they get to the hotel have someone to greet them , someone who knows names , and can help with transport , luggage , the pre-registration formalities .
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