Example sentences of "and [modal v] [verb] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 Farmers ' representatives have attacked the move , arguing that it would cut crop yields , but environmentalists argue that it is insufficient , and should extend to an 80 per cent cut .
2 The opposition Labour Party expressed fears that EC membership could damage Malta 's economy and might lead to an unacceptable loss of independence and sovereignty .
3 Deprived of its mother 's constant care in those years , it will grow up emotionally handicapped , incapable of forming deep relationships and might steal in an attempt to compensate for a lack of mother love .
4 He trained yesterday and could put in an appearence .
5 Archbishop William Temple when headmaster of Repton had a complete mental recall of Bradshaw and would set as an imposition for an errant boy the best way of travelling from Great Yarmouth to Exeter or Penrith to Ipswich without touching London , complete with changes and times .
6 This would be caused by the expansionary effect on the GDP of the EC which would follow from the implementation of the SEM , and would lead to an increase in the imports of the EC .
7 The directors confirm that the power would only be used if the board was satisfied it was in the best interests of shareholders and would result in an increase in expected earnings per share .
8 Also on Sept. 3 it was reported that a deputy of the ruling Democratic Party , Teodor Keco , was resigning from the party group in the Assembly and would serve as an independent .
9 At first Christians looked upon the risen Jesus as the Messiah whose return was imminent and would bring to an end the existing world-order .
10 It would transfer supervision of the areas from the Bureau of Land Management ( BLM ) to the National Parks Service and would bring to an end the existing cattle ranching , mining activity and off-road vehicle use .
11 If true , it should follow that antral cancer would be more common and would occur at an early age in those parts of the world where the majority of the population already have serum antibodies to the organism before adult life .
12 Einstein 's general theory of relativity , on its own , predicted that space-time began at the big bang singularity and would come to an end either at the big crunch singularity ( if the whole universe recollapsed ) , or at a singularity inside a black hole ( if a local region , such as a star , were to collapse ) .
13 It is here that a true designing system will be based and will grow from an understanding of the conceptual activities , how they are developed and controlled .
14 The Ulster Unionist Party , led by Mr James Molyneaux , has been careful to rule out a formal coalition and will decide on an ‘ issue by issue ’ basis whether to support a minority government .
15 This is its highest level for eight years and will result in an increase of at least one per cent on home loan rates , possibly more .
16 The assistance will be available to one team per company and will consist of an underwriting of 75 per cent .
17 Deaf children are competent learners of language , as we have seen in chapter 4 ; they are cognitively able , and will progress to an effective position in working society .
18 ‘ The really important change will be that the UK Road Running Commission will be genuinely powerful , and will stand as an equal with the other specialisations — particularly track and field and cross-country .
19 The measurements are printed on a new page and will appear at an interval corresponding to the chosen degree of averaging , and also at intervals of approximately one hour and one day .
20 Often the swim bladder is involved in receiving sound and will act as an acoustic amplifier to sounds of the right resonant frequencies .
21 The tax , intended to provide an incentive for the use and development of recycling , covers both commercial and industrial waste and will amount to an average of about £2 a tonne .
22 If the buyer uses a form provided by the seller , for instance , in the seller 's catalogue , that form can refer to the seller 's terms and will amount to an offer to contract on those terms .
23 The new actor is generally operating in top gear and if this momentum is stopped it can be very damaging to the morale and can result in an actor 's technical skills going rusty — something to be avoided at all costs .
24 Alternatively , a private company need not be limited at all , and can trade as an unlimited company .
25 Because they are deflected by electric and magnetic fields , charged particles can take many hours to reach the earth ; neutrons are unaffected by such fields , hence they travel much faster and can serve as an early warning signal .
26 So , for instance , you could either have your cards in German ( or another language ) and can have as an illustration reindeer ( prancing , not prancing , or roasted ) , French sheep or Jacques Delors .
27 Paternalism therefore deflects the dissatisfaction of the farm worker and can act as an effective guarantor of a ‘ family ’ atmosphere on the farm .
28 Section 1 of TDA 1968 is a powerful deterrent and can apply to an honest trader who misdescribes his goods .
29 A land owner has the right to keep uninvited guests off the land and can sue for an order for possession against a trespasser .
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