Example sentences of "and [modal v] [vb infin] a [noun] " in BNC.

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31 Thus , for example , regulations may govern the composition or design of goods , may require goods to conform to a certain standard ( e.g. a British Institute Standard ) and may require a warning or instructions to be given with the goods .
32 This dense material would more commonly be seen in aquarium filtration , and may require a pre-filter brush set-up to avoid frequent clogging .
33 Healers use their own crystals to treat other people , and may practise a form of crystal ‘ massage ’ , which involves holding the crystal two inches above the patient and rotating it in small clockwise circles over the entire body surface .
34 Although a therapist should avoid being too directive , as this is likely to encourage dependency and may discourage a patient from developing his coping skills , it is quite often appropriate to offer advice .
35 The M r approximately 36.5 K myelomonocytic L1 protein complex belongs to the S-100 protein family and may play a part in the regulation of cellular proliferation and differentiation .
36 Oct-3/4 is expressed in primordial germ cells , unfertilized oocytes and in the inner cell mass and may play a role in early developmental decisions ( 47 ) .
37 and may write a book .
38 Many women have difficulty becoming appropriately assertive , rather than submissive or domineering , in our male-orientated society and may find a mini-group of women helpful to examine this problem and process their reactions to it .
39 The following grouping of Stage 2 modules may form a core for vocational programmes and may provide a route to Advanced Further Education and Higher Education :
40 The following grouping of Stage 2 modules may form a core for vocational programmes and may provide a route to Advanced Further Education and Higher Education :
41 Certainly some of their art , such as cave paintings , survives and may provide a clue as to how they thought .
42 The following activities and exercises may be pursued individually or in groups , and may provide a framework for individual study leading to personal or group presentations in seminars or workshops , dependent on the resources available and the provisions made for personal study in the course curriculum or re-orientation programme .
43 Endowment — designed to repay the loan and may provide a cash lump sum at the end of the mortgage term
44 The hilarious final rush of actions dominates the tale , and may provide a form of comic catharsis by which not only are potentially grave moral images and considerations emptied of their solemnity , but also the sympathy that it is difficult at times not to feel for the poor dupe , John , faithfully and helplessly in love with his wife , is overwhelmed by the sheer absurdity of this all-embracing climax .
45 Transport of OH - /HCO on the uptake carrier generates significant pH changes , and may provide a mechanism for neuron-glial interaction .
46 Indeed the durable models from England listed by Capelle and Vierck ( 1971 ; 1975 ) are mostly later in the period , and may signify a period when larger scale replication was possible ; put the other way , a time when individual designs were no longer necessary , and the functional aspect was becoming more important .
47 If you then try to ask them WHY they believe that ‘ it 's all made up ’ they wo n't have the foggiest idea and may get a bit abusive and say things like , ‘ Only wallies believe that load of junk . ’
48 If it is one man , then they believe he is white , aged between 25 and 35 , well-built and may have a beard ; his accent is that of North Manchester or South Lancashire .
49 Others have shown that calmodulin is required during G1 and may have a role in stimulating DNA synthesis-promoting factor .
50 United are unchanged … player coach Greg Downs has served his suspension but has named himself as sub … a man to watch is young Gareth Davies he 's been having trials with Liverpool and may have a future at Anfield …
51 Rows with in-laws are distressing because they cause divided loyalties and may indicate a battle between families to prove which is the most important .
52 sta sta staff comment comes out of there and that bit goes up then you have general skills and abilities and then below that you have a wider box which just says comments which will include a staff comment and may include a pupil comment as well cos because it 's signed by both at the bottom .
53 So much had been expected , yet it was a carbon copy of the wipe-out on the same track three years ago , and may signal a pruning down in future transatlantic visits for the Breeders ' Cup .
54 Treating him without his consent or despite a refusal of consent will constitute the civil wrong of trespass to the person and may constitute a crime .
55 A policeman , convinced of the guilt of a suspect , distrustful of juries and magistrates and more cynical than ethical may seek to extract a confession in order to support a charge and may elaborate a confession in order to obtain a conviction .
56 Each statement must be dated and signed by the maker and must contain a declaration that the maker believes the statement to be true and understands that it may be placed before the court .
57 Colin Campbell advised us that he was reporting to the General Purposes Committee on 3 December 1992 on the security of Headquarters buildings , recommending that all visitors sign in on arrival , receive and must wear a Visitor Identity Tag and sign out when leaving .
58 The crux of the Final Report of the National Curriculum History Working Group was stated in its introduction ( point 1.3 ) : 1.3 To have integrity , the study of history must be grounded in a thorough knowledge of the past ; must employ rigorous historical method — the way in which historians carry out their task ; and must involve a range of interpretations and explanations .
59 The firm must consider the knowledge and experience of each client for each activity and must place a note on file as to why a certain type of letter is issued .
60 Solicitors and barristers in private practice are in business and must make a profit to survive .
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