Example sentences of "and [modal v] [vb infin] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Articles have fewer than 50 references and may contain a few short subheadings .
2 Nevertheless , there are some consequences of early marriages that are common in all countries and may cause the same concern everywhere .
3 During the second six months he can , and may get a little work ; but until at least a year after the end of pupillage he will probably have to live on his parents or spouse .
4 Any reader who wishes to consult a publication must normally enter details of it — including its title , date of publication , and pressmark — on a call-slip , and must submit the latter to the Library 's Book Issue Counter .
5 This restriction — that the two ways of obtaining estimates of and should give the same results — is an example of the cross-equation restrictions implied by the model in equation ( 6.14 ) .
6 By the end of the period of imperial expansion , in the middle of the twentieth century , it was widely believed that everyone in the world should be a citizen of an independent and sovereign state and should have the same rights as all the other citizens in the state , but in 1500 very few people would have understood such a notion .
7 A couple of new songs had a few ideas ‘ borrowed ’ from The Mission and New Model Army and could give a few clues as to which market Echo & The Bunnymen see themselves operating in during their climb back up the ladder to fame and fortune .
8 Although her brother , Bert , was now employed by a local fisherman , Arnold Spence , and could do no more than a few day 's work at Four Winds now and then , nevertheless her new arrangements left Harriet free to work outside herself and this regular exercise had a calming effect , releasing her from a great deal of inner tension .
9 It was so absorbed in its feast that it ignored the soft approach of the man who had treated it so kindly , and could do no more than scratch and struggle as it was grasped by the neck , and lifted from the ground , its belly exposed to the flashing steel blade of a fish knife .
10 The field was chaotic now , the archers had done their part , and could do no more from this on but let fly at the occasional fugitive .
11 Godolphin knew Peccable well enough to be certain that until he 'd exhausted his supply of idols , relics and jujus from the fifth , and could make no more profit , he 'd stay put .
12 If you are talking about more general studies or if you did a non-vocational course at college or university you should show how this demonstrates that you are capable of becoming interested in a wide range of subjects and could bring the same enthusiasm to your work .
13 I gazed upwards and could see a few stars twinkling in the sky , one seemed much brighter than the others .
14 A good many parents know exactly how she felt and could echo the same sentiments .
15 She was in food time this morning , and could spend a few minutes on the bridge , looking at the river .
16 Ministers have warning of questions and need disclose no more information than they think fit and are obliged only to answer those matters which fall within their particular areas of responsibility .
17 We were acting as loyal supporters in defending the player and would do the same with any player at Cliftonville FC .
18 He told me my brother had suddenly gone away , and would return no more for a great and uncertain length of time and had left me , and the castle , in charge of him , the dark magician .
19 Now and again there were diversions , when one or another of the remaining five would hold the stage and would have a few moments of limelight , or glory .
20 He said that last year the local authority spent £1.35m. on concessionary fares and would spend the same this year .
21 The opening Allegro assai is light and airy and would raise a few eyebrows even in the style-conscious 1990s , but the following movements are respectively too sleepy , too hearty and too metallic for comfort .
22 At the beginning of this century it was believed that one could find a basic element of learning that was common to all these activities ; and that once this was established it would be possible to construct a single theory that would explain all learning and would provide a once-and-for-all guide to teaching .
23 Example 3:11 Option to renew ( 1 ) The tenant may by notice in writing served not less than six months before the date on which the term hereby granted is expressed to expire call upon the landlord for a further lease of the demised property ( " the further lease " ) provided that up to that date he has paid the rent and reasonably performed and observed his covenants ( 2 ) The further lease shall be for a term of ten years from the said date upon the same terms and conditions as this lease ( save as to rent and as to this option for renewal ) and at a rent to be agreed between the parties or in default of agreement to be determined by a single arbitrator to be appointed by the President for the time being of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors ( 3 ) In determining the rent payable under the further lease the arbitrator shall have the same powers as would be enjoyed by the court determining a rent for the demised property under section 34 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 and shall disregard the same matters as are therein specified ( 4 ) This option shall be of no effect if the tenant fails to register it as an estate contract within three months from the date of this lease Example 3:12 Option to renew contracted out tenancy If : ( 1 ) the tenant wishes to take a further tenancy of the demised property for a term of five years from the expiry date of the term hereby created ; and ( 2 ) the tenant gives written notice of his desire to the landlord not more than six nor less than three months before the expiry of the term ; and ( 3 ) up to the date of the notice the tenant has paid the rent and substantially performed his covenants ; and ( 4 ) the tenant joins with the landlord in making an application to the court for an order authorising the exclusion of the provisions of ss24-28 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 in relation to the further tenancy ; and ( 5 ) the court makes such an order then the landlord shall let the demised property to the tenant for a term of five years from the expiry of the term hereby created at a rent to be agreed between the parties or in default of agreement to be determined by arbitration and otherwise upon the terms of this lease ( except this option for renewal ) Example 3:13 Clause negativing perpetual renewal Nothing in this clause shall entitle the tenant to renew the tenancy for any term expiring more than twenty years after the beginning of the term of this lease
24 And above all , if the head , inside the school , is seen as someone who has a calm and consistent view of the rapidly changing priorities of school management , there is a chance that parents will come to the same view and will feel the same trust .
25 For example , Laura Ashley or Next shops will look similar throughout the country , and will stock the same range of goods .
26 do n't know any more information other than it 's mesmerisingly brilliant and will damage a few shoe leathers .
27 I have acquainted them with the Buiseness and they Do nt seem willin to pay , but you may answer this to me if you please , but we now Declair off and will have no more to do with that Biseness , yrs
28 This is Warner 's second B format original and will have the same treatment as Impulse ( May ) , namely a dust jacket and later an A format .
29 Now is a scalar and will have the same value in all frames including that in free fall ; explicitly we have .
30 Visitors will receive a warm welcome from the small enthusiastic staff of this family-run business and will see the many operations involved , including welding , woodworking , painting and engineering .
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