Example sentences of "and [modal v] [prep] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 25. ( 1 ) Any Director may at any time appoint another Director or any other person being a solicitor or registered foreign lawyer who is a member or officer of or is working in the practice of the Company approved by the Directors to be his alternate Director and may at any time terminate such appointment .
2 25. ( 1 ) Any Director may at any time appoint another Director or any other person being a solicitor or registered foreign lawyer who is a member or officer of or is working in the practice of the Company approved by the Directors to be his alternate Director and may at any time terminate such appointment .
3 I hope that in Committee he will listen to the pleas of Members representing Greater London and the south of England because they are dear to my heart and may to some extent be dear to his .
4 Research on , for example , molluscan biology , archaeology , vegetational variation , etc. , may have Scottish areal content , and may to some extent impinge on the geology , but their relationships with the earth sciences were not straightforward , and research would have necessitated the use of bibliographical resources outwith the field of geology .
5 The explanation for this can not be sought in the tenses of the verbs that the testator has used , for they are all historic with respect to the time the will was made and ought on that basis to refer to no time later than that .
6 But scientists and lay practitioners alike must recognise that the terms and concepts used in alternative systems of medicine may have no exact equivalent in Western medicine , and must to some extent be-seen as metaphors ; and that standard ways of assessing therapy , notably by the double-blind controlled trial , may simply not be applicable to many alternative systems .
7 With one part of his mind he logged the fact that Mum had understood the worst immediately and must in some way have been expecting it .
8 My immediate thought was that Frankenstein had encounted a bear , and might at any moment come dashing back and discover me .
9 But several readers had pointed out that if evil could not create , was only good perverted , then presumably the orcs had been by nature good and might in some way be saved ; Tolkien certainly balked at calling them ‘ irredeemable ’ , see Letters , pp. 195 , 355 .
10 It is remarkable that two out of the three patients here described are children under the age of 10 years whose grievous sufferings commenced almost with their birth and would in all probability have continued to their death had not this infirmary been established . ’
11 There could be an Asquith Government with Labour support and participation ; but this ran directly counter to the whole Labour belief in independence , and would in any event mean the greater opposition party accepting the leadership of the lesser one .
12 We know from the signed statement of the Secretary of State for Transport withdrawing the ‘ explosive device ’ certificate of public interest immunity , and would in any event have assumed in the absence of evidence to the contrary , that ‘ the Ministry of Defence retain the documents relating to Dr. Hayes ' work in respect of the Lockerbie air disaster . ’
13 But Tom Poole 's cousins at Marshmills were not invited , and would in any case have been horrified to find themselves among this conclave of radicals .
14 If the Prime Minister had meant what she said , and if the Secretary of State — whom I am delighted to see taking an interest in the Bill had conveyed her message properly , the Minister would have put down an amendment , and would by this time have leapt to his feet to accept amendment No. 3 .
15 Attendance at the careers convention once each year is not enough and will in any case only reach a small proportion of the school children who may be contemplating their future .
16 Subject to that , an expert is not prohibited from following these litigation-style procedures , but he would be unwise to do so because the reference may subsequently be held to have been an arbitration and will in any event take longer and be more costly .
17 Migration and fertility decline are alternative escapes from population pressure in societies sufficiently developed for mortality to be declining ( as in eighteenth century France ) and can to some extent substitute for each other ( Davis 1963 , Friedlander 1983 ) to relieve population pressure ( Woods and Smith 1983 ) .
18 They tend to communicate in a form of shorthand based on this common database and can to some extent predict each other 's reactions to normal situations .
19 Discounting the capital cost of buying a group share , which can often rise in value and can in any case be easily sold on if you wish to leave the group , rates of £35 per flying hour on a Cessna 150 are fairly commonplace .
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